/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: solve.lib,v 2002/10/21 14:38:44 lossen Exp $"; category="Symbolic-numerical solving"; info=" LIBRARY: solve.lib Complex Solving of Polynomial Systems AUTHOR: Moritz Wenk, email: wenk@mathematik.uni-kl.de Wilfred Pohl, email: pohl@mathematik.uni-kl.de PROCEDURES: laguerre_solve(p,[..]); find all roots of univariate polynomial p solve(i,[..]); all roots of 0-dim. ideal i using triangular sets ures_solve(i,[..]); find all roots of 0-dimensional ideal i with resultants mp_res_mat(i,[..]); multipolynomial resultant matrix of ideal i interpolate(p,v,d); interpolate poly from evaluation points i and results j fglm_solve(i,[..]); find roots of 0-dim. ideal using FGLM and lex_solve lex_solve(i,p,[..]); find roots of reduced lexicographic standard basis simplexOut(l); prints solution of simplex in nice format triangLf_solve(l,[..]); find roots using triangular sys. (factorizing Lazard) triangM_solve(l,[..]); find roots of given triangular system (Moeller) triangL_solve(l,[..]); find roots using triangular system (Lazard) triang_solve(l,p,[..]); find roots of given triangular system "; LIB "triang.lib"; // needed for triang_solve /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc laguerre_solve( poly f, list # ) "USAGE: laguerre_solve(f [, m, l, n, s] ); f = polynomial,@* m, l, n, s = integers (control parameters of the method) @format m: precision of output in digits ( 4 <= m), if basering is not ring of complex numbers; l: precision of internal computation in decimal digits ( l >=8 ) only if the basering is not complex or complex with smaller precision; n: control of multiplicity of roots or of splitting of f into squarefree factors n < 0, no split of f (good, if all roots are simple) n >= 0, try to split n = 0, return only different roots n > 0, find all roots (with multiplicity) s: s != 0, returns ERROR if | f(root) | > 0.1^m (when computing in the current ring) ( default: m, l, n, s = 8, 30, 1, 0 ) @end format ASSUME: f is a univariate polynomial;@* basering has characteristic 0 and is either complex or without parameters. RETURN: list of (complex) roots of the polynomial f, depending on n. The result is of type @format string: if the basering is not complex, number: otherwise. @end format NOTE: If printlevel >0: displays comments ( default = 0 ). If s != 0 and if the procedure stops with ERROR, try a higher internal precision m. EXAMPLE: example laguerre_solve; shows an example " { if (char(basering)!=0){ERROR("characteristic of basering not 0");} if ((charstr(basering)[1]=="0") and (npars(basering)!=0)) {ERROR("basering has parameters");} int OLD_COMPLEX=0; int iv=checkv(f); // check for variable appearing in f if(iv==0){ERROR("Wrong polynomial!");} poly v=var(iv); // f univariate in v int solutionprec=8;// set the control int numberprec=30; int splitcontrol=1; int rootcheck=0; if(size(#)>0){solutionprec=#[1];if(solutionprec<4){solutionprec=4;}} if(size(#)>1){numberprec=#[2];if(numberprec<8){numberprec=8;}} if(solutionprec>numberprec){numberprec=solutionprec;} if(size(#)>2){splitcontrol=#[3];} if(size(#)>3){rootcheck=#[4];} int prot=printlevel-voice+2; int ringprec=0; poly p=divzero(f,iv); // divide out zeros as solution int iz=deg(f)-deg(p); // multiplicity of zero solution if(prot!=0) { string pout; string nl=newline; pout="//BEGIN laguerre_solve"; if(iz!=0){pout=pout+nl+"//zeros: divide out "+string(iz);} dbprint(prot,pout); } string ss,tt,oo; ss="";oo=ss; if(npars(basering)==1) { if(OLD_COMPLEX) { tt="1,"+string(par(1)); if(tt==charstr(basering)) {ss=tt;ringprec=system("getPrecDigits");} } else { tt=charstr(basering); if(size(tt)>7) { if(string(tt[1..7])=="complex") { ss=tt; ringprec=system("getPrecDigits"); } } } } list roots,simple; if(deg(p)==0) // only zero was root { roots=addzero(roots,ss,iz,splitcontrol); if(prot!=0){dbprint(prot,"//END laguerre_solve");} return(roots); } if(prot!=0)// more informations { pout="//control: complex ring with precision "+string(numberprec); if(size(ss)==0){pout=pout+nl+ "// basering not complex, hence solutiontype string"; if(solutionprec=0)// splitting { if(prot!=0){dbprint(prot,"//split in working ring:");} SPLIT=splitsqrfree(p,v); i1=size(SPLIT); if((i1==1)&&(charstr(rn)=="0")) { if(prot!=0){dbprint(prot,"//split exact in basering:");} setring rn; if(v>1) { ideal SQQQQ=splitsqrfree(p,v); setring lagc; SPLIT=imap(rn,SQQQQ); } else { oo="ring exa=0,"+string(var(1))+",lp;"; execute(oo); ideal SQQQQ=splitsqrfree(imap(rn,p),var(1)); setring lagc; SPLIT=imap(exa,SQQQQ); kill exa; } i1=size(SPLIT); } if(prot!=0) { if(i1>1) { int i3=deg(SPLIT[1]); pout="//results of split(the squarefree factors):"; if(i3>0){pout=pout+nl+ "// multiplicity "+string(i2)+", degree "+string(i3);} while(i20){pout=pout+nl+ "// multiplicity "+string(i2)+", degree "+string(i3);} } dbprint(prot,pout); i2=1; } else { if(charstr(rn)=="0"){dbprint(prot,"// polynomial is squarefree");} else{dbprint(prot,"// split without result");} } } } p=SPLIT[1];// the first part if(deg(p)>0) { roots=laguerre(p,numberprec,1);// the ring is already complex, hence numberprec is dummy if((size(roots)==0)||(string(roots[1])=="0")){ERROR("laguerre: no roots found");} if(rootcheck){checkroots(p,v,roots,ima,prc);} } while(i20) { simple=laguerre(p,numberprec,1); if((size(simple)==0)||(string(simple[1])=="0")){ERROR("laguerre: no roots found");} if(rootcheck){checkroots(p,v,simple,ima,prc);} if(splitcontrol==0)// no multiple roots { roots=roots+simple; } else// multiple roots { roots=roots+makemult(simple,i2); } } } if((solutionprec0){roots=addzero(roots,ss,iz,splitcontrol);} if(prot!=0){dbprint(prot,"//END laguerre_solve");} return(roots); } if(size(ss)==0){roots=transroots(roots);}// transform to string else // or map in basering { if(ringprec0){roots=addzero(roots,ss,iz,splitcontrol);} if(prot!=0){dbprint(prot,"//END laguerre_solve");} return(roots); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; // Find all roots of an univariate polynomial using Laguerre's method: ring rs1= 0,(x,y),lp; poly f = 15x5 + x3 + x2 - 10; // 10 digits precision laguerre_solve(f,10); // Now with complex coefficients, // internal precision is 30 digits (default) printlevel=2; ring rsc= (real,10,i),x,lp; poly f = (15.4+i*5)*x^5 + (25.0e-2+i*2)*x^3 + x2 - 10*i; list l = laguerre_solve(f); l; // check result, value of substituted poly should be near to zero // remember that l contains a list of strings // in the case of a different ring subst(f,x,l[1]); subst(f,x,l[2]); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // subprocedures for laguerre_solve /* * if p depends only on var(i) * returns i * otherwise 0 */ static proc checkv(poly p) { int n=nvars(basering); int i=0; int v; while (n>0) { if ((p-subst(p,var(n),0))!=0) { i++; if (i>1){return(0);} v=n; } n--; } return(v); } /* * if p has only real coefficients * returns 0 * otherwise 1 */ static proc checkim(poly p) { poly q=p; while(q!=0) { if(impart(leadcoef(q))!=0){return(1);} q=q-lead(q); } return(0); } /* * make multiplicity m */ static proc makemult(list si,int m) { int k0=0; int k1=size(si); int k2,k3; number ro; list msi; for(k2=1;k2<=k1;k2++) { ro=si[k2]; for(k3=m;k3>0;k3--){k0++;msi[k0]=ro;} } return(msi); } /* * returns 1 for n<1 */ static proc cmp1(number n) { number r=repart(n); number i=impart(n); number c=r*r+i*i; if(c>1){return(1);} else{return(0);} } /* * exact division of polys f/g * (should be internal) */ static proc exdiv(poly f,poly g,poly v) { int d1=deg(f); int d2=deg(g); poly r0=f; poly rf=0; poly h; number n,m; m=leadcoef(g); while ((r0!=0)&&(d1>=d2)) { n=leadcoef(r0)/m; h=n*v^(d1-d2); rf=rf+h; r0=r0-h*g; d1=deg(r0); } return(cleardenom(rf)); } /* * p is univariant in x * perform a split of p into squarefree factors * such that the returned ideal 'split' consists of * the faktors, i.e. * p = n * product ( split[i]^i ) , n a number */ static proc splitsqrfree(poly p, poly x) { int dd=deg(p); if(dd==1){return(p);} int i=1; int j; ideal h,split; poly high; h=interred(ideal(p,diff(p,x))); if(deg(h[1])==0){return(p);} high=h[1]; split[1]=exdiv(p,high,x); while(1) { h=interred(ideal(split[i],high)); j=deg(h[1]); if(j==0){return(p);} if(deg(h[1])==deg(split[i])) { split=split,split[i]; split[i]=1; } else { split[i]=exdiv(split[i],h[1],x); split=split,h[1]; dd=dd-deg(split[i])*i; } j=j*(i+1); if(j==dd){break;} if(j>dd){return(p);} high=exdiv(high,h[1],x); if(deg(high)==0){return(p);}; i++; } return(split); } /* * see checkroots */ static proc nerr(number n,number m) { int r; number z=0; number nr=repart(n); number ni=impart(n); if(nr=pr */ static proc checkroots(poly p,poly v,list r,int ima,number pr) { int i=0; int j; number n,m; ideal li; while(i0) { r[i]=string(r[i]); i--; } return(r); } /* * returns a poly without zeroroots */ static proc divzero(poly f,int iv); { poly p=f; poly q=p; poly r; while(p==q) { q=p/var(iv); r=q*var(iv); if(r==p){p=q;} } return(p); } /* * add zeros to solution */ static proc addzero(list zz,string ss,int iz,int a) { int i=1; int j=size(zz); if(size(ss)==0){zz[j+1]="0";} else{zz[j+1]=number(0);} if(a==0){return(zz);} while(i=8 ) only if the basering is not complex or complex with smaller precision, ( default: m, n, l = 8, 0, 30 or for (n != 0 and size(#) = 2) l = 60 ) @end format ASSUME: the ideal is 0-dimensional;@* basering has characteristic 0 and is either complex or without parameters; RETURN: list of solutions of the ideal G, depending on n; one solution is a list of complex numbers in the generated output ring (the new basering). @format The result is a list L n = 0: a list of all different solutions (L[i]), n != 0: a list of two elements, L[i][1] contains all different solutions with the same multiplicity L[i][2] the multiplicity L is ordered w.r.t. multiplicity (the smallest first). @end format NOTE: If the problem is not 0-dim. the procedure stops with ERROR, if the ideal G is not a lex. standard basis, it is generated with internal computation (Hilbert driven), if the input-ring (with char 0) has the name "", the lexicographical and complex output-ring has the name "C". EXAMPLE: example solve; shows an example " { // test if basering admissible if (char(basering)!=0){ERROR("characteristic of basering not 0");} if ((charstr(basering)[1]=="0") and (npars(basering)!=0)){ERROR("basering has parameters");} // some global settings and control int outprec = 8; int mu = 0; int prec = 30; if (size(#)>0){outprec = #[1];if (outprec<4){outprec = 4;}} if (size(#)>1){mu = #[2];} if (size(#)>2){prec = #[3];if (prec<8){prec = 8;}} else {if(mu!=0){prec = 60;}} if (outprec>prec){prec = outprec;} string rinC = nameof(basering)+"C"; string sord = ordstr(basering); int nv = nvars(basering); def rin = basering; intvec ovec = option(get); option(redSB); option(returnSB); int sb = attrib(G,"isSB"); int lp = 0; if (size(sord)==size("C,lp()"+string(nv))) { lp = find(sord,"lp"); } // ERROR if (sb){if (dim(G)!=0){ERROR("ideal not zero-dimensional");}} // the trivial homog case if (homog(G)) { if (sb==0) { execute("ring dphom=("+charstr(rin)+"),("+ varstr(rin)+"),dp;"); ideal G = std(imap(rin,G)); if (dim(G)!=0){ERROR("ideal not zero-dimensional");} } changering(rinC,outprec); list ret0; if (mu==0){ret0[1] = zerolist(nv);} else{ret0[1] = list(zerolist(nv),list(vdim(G)));} option(set,ovec); keepring basering; return(ret0); } // look for reduced standard basis in lex if (sb*lp==0) { if (sb==0) { execute("ring dphilb=("+charstr(rin)+"),("+ varstr(rin)+"),dp;"); ideal G = imap(rin,G); G = std(G); if (dim(G)!=0){ERROR("ideal not zero-dimensional");} } else { def dphilb = basering; } execute("ring lexhilb=("+charstr(rin)+"),("+ varstr(rin)+"),lp;"); option(redTail); ideal H = fglm(dphilb,G); kill dphilb; H = simplify(H,2); if (lp){setring rin;} else { execute("ring lplex=("+charstr(rin)+"),("+ varstr(rin)+"),lp;"); } ideal H = imap(lexhilb,H); kill lexhilb; } else{ideal H = interred(G);} // only 1 variable def hr = basering; if (nv==1) { if ((mu==0) and (charstr(basering)[1]=="0")) // special case { list L = laguerre_solve(H[1],prec,prec,mu,0); // list of strings changering(rinC,outprec); list sp; for (int ii=1; ii<=size(L); ii++ ) { execute("sp[ii]="+L[ii]); } keepring basering; return(sp); } else { execute("ring internC=(complex,"+string(prec)+ "),("+varstr(basering)+"),lp;"); ideal H = imap(hr,H); list sp = splittolist(splitsqrfree(H[1],var(1))); int jj = size(sp); while(jj>0) { sp[jj][1] = laguerre(sp[jj][1],prec,1); jj--; } setring hr; changering(rinC,outprec); list sp=imap(internC,sp); keepring basering; if(mu!=0){return(sp);} jj = size(sp); list ll=sp[jj][1]; while(jj>1) { jj--; ll = sp[jj][1]+ll; } return(ll); } } // the triangular sets (not univariate case) attrib(H,"isSB",1); if (mu==0) { list sp = triangMH(H); // faster, but destroy multiplicity } else { list sp = triangM(H); } // create the complex ring and map the result if (outprec1) { ret1 = trisolve(list(),triC[js],prec)+ret1; js--; } } else { ret1 = mutrisolve(list(),triC[1],prec); while (js>1) { ret1 = addlist(mutrisolve(list(),triC[js],prec),ret1,1); js--; } ret1 = finalclear(ret1); } // final computations option(set,ovec); if (outprec==prec) { keepring basering; return(ret1); } changering(rinC,outprec); keepring basering; return(imap(internC,ret1)); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; // Find all roots of a multivariate ideal using triangular sets: int d=4;// with these 3 parameters you may construct int t=3;// very hard problems for 'solve' int s=2; int i; ring A=0,(x(1..d)),dp; poly p=-1; for(i=d;i>0;i--){p=p+x(i)^s;} ideal I=x(d)^t-x(d)^s+p; for(i=d-1;i>0;i--){I=x(i)^t-x(i)^s+p,I;} I; // the mutiplicity is vdim(std(I)); list l1=solve(I,6,0); // the current ring is AC; // you must start with char. 0 setring A; list l2=solve(I,6,1); // the number of different solutions is size(l1); // this is equal to size(l2[1][1])+size(l2[2][1]); // the number of solutions with multiplicity is size(l2[1][1])*l2[1][2]+size(l2[2][1])*l2[2][2]; // the solutions with multiplicity l2[2][2]; // are l2[2][1]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // subprocedures for solve /* ----------------------- support ----------------------- */ /* * the complex ring with precision outprec * has the well defined name: rinC * 1. if such a ring exists with the precision outprec, * this will be the current ring * 2. otherwise such a ring will be created */ static proc changering(string rinC, int outprec) { string rinDC = "ring "+rinC+"=(complex,"+string(outprec)+ "),("+varstr(basering)+"),lp;"; string h = "int ex=defined("+rinC+");"; execute(h); if (ex) { h = "setring "+rinC+";"; execute(h); if (system("getPrecDigits")==outprec) {"// name of current ring: "+rinC;} else { execute("kill "+rinC+";"); execute(rinDC); execute("export "+rinC+";"); "// name of new current ring: "+rinC; } } else { execute(rinDC); execute("export "+rinC+";"); "// name of new current ring: "+rinC; } keepring basering; } /* * return one zero-solution */ static proc zerolist(int nv) { list ret; int i; number o=0; for (i=nv;i>0;i--){ret[i] = o;} return(ret); } /* ----------------------- check solution ----------------------- */ static proc multsol(list ff, int c) { int i,j; i = 0; j = size(ff); while (j>0) { if(c){i = i+ff[j][2]*size(ff[j][1]);} else{i = i+size(ff[j][1]);} j--; } return(i); } /* * the inputideal A => zero ? */ static proc checksol(ideal A, list lr) { int d = nvars(basering); list ro; ideal re,h; int i,j,k; for (i=size(lr);i>0;i--) { ro = lr[i]; for (j=d;j>0;j--) { re[j] = var(j)-ro[j]; } attrib(re,"isSB",1); k = size(reduce(A,re)); if (k){return(i);} } return(0); } /* * compare 2 solutions: returns 0 for equal */ static proc cmpn(list a,list b) { int ii; for(ii=size(a);ii>0;ii--){if(a[ii]!=b[ii]) break;} return(ii); } /* * delete equal solutions in the list */ static proc delequal(list r, int w) { list h; int i,j,k,c; if (w) { k = size(r); h = r[k][1]; k--; while (k>0) { h = r[k][1]+h; k--; } } else{h = r;} k=size(h); i=1; while(ii) { c=cmpn(h[i],h[j]); if(c==0) { h=delete(h,j); k--; } j--; } i++; } return(h); } /* ----------------------- substitution ----------------------- */ /* * instead of subst(T,var(v),n), much faster * need option(redSB) ! */ static proc linreduce(ideal T, int v, number n) { ideal re = var(v)-n; attrib (re,"isSB",1); return (reduce(T,re)); } /* ----------------------- triangular solution ----------------------- */ /* * solution of one tridiagonal system T * with precision prec * T[1] is univariant in var(1) * list o is empty for the first call */ static proc trisolve(list o, ideal T, int prec) { list lroots,ll; ideal S; int i,d; d = size(T); S = interred(ideal(T[1],diff(T[1],var(d)))); if (deg(S[1])) { T[1] = exdiv(T[1],S[1],var(d)); } ll = laguerre(T[1],prec,1); for (i=size(ll);i>0;i--){ll[i] = list(ll[i])+o;} if (d==1){return(ll);} for (i=size(ll);i>0;i--) { S = linreduce(ideal(T[2..d]),d,ll[i][1]); lroots = trisolve(ll[i],S,prec)+lroots; } return(lroots); } /* ------------------- triangular solution (mult) ------------------- */ /* * recompute equal solutions w.r.t. multiplicity */ static proc finalclear(list b) { list a = b; list r; int i,l,ju,j,k,ku,mu,c; // a[i] only i = 1; while (i<=size(a)) { ju = size(a[i][1]); j = 1; while (j<=ju) { mu = 1; k = j+1; while (k<=ju) { c = cmpn(a[i][1][j],a[i][1][k]); if (c==0) { a[i][1] = delete(a[i][1],k); ju--; mu++; } else{k++;} } if (mu>1) { r[1] = a[i]; r[1][1] = list(a[i][1][j]); a[i][1] = delete(a[i][1],j); a = addlist(r,a,mu); ju--; } else{j++;} } if (ju==0){a = delete(a,i);} else{i++;} } // a[i], a[l] i = 1; while (i0) { if (deg(sp[j])) { spl = list(list(sp[j],j))+spl; } j--; } return(spl); } /* * multiply the multiplicity */ static proc multlist(list a, int m) { int i; for (i=size(a);i>0;i--){a[i][2] = a[i][2]*m;} return(a); } /* * a+b w.r.t. to multiplicity as ordering * (programming like spolys) */ static proc addlist(list a, list b, int m) { int i,j,k,l,s; list r = list(); if (m>1){a = multlist(a,m);} k = size(a); l = size(b); i = 1; j = 1; while ((i<=k)&&(j<=l)) { s = a[i][2]-b[j][2]; if (s>=0) { r = r+list(b[j]); j++; if (s==0) { s = size(r); r[s][1] = r[s][1]+a[i][1]; i++; } } else { r = r+list(a[i]); i++; } } if (i>k) { if (j<=l){r = r+list(b[j..l]);} } else{r = r+list(a[i..k]);} return(r); } /* * solution of one tridiagonal system T with multiplicity * with precision prec * T[1] is univariant in var(1) * list o is empty for the first call */ static proc mutrisolve(list o, ideal T, int prec) { list lroots,ll,sp; ideal S,h; int i,d,m,z; d = size(T); sp = splittolist(splitsqrfree(T[1],var(d))); if (d==1){return(l_mutrisolve(sp,o,prec));} z = size(sp); while (z>0) { m = sp[z][2]; ll = laguerre(sp[z][1],prec,1); i = size(ll); while(i>0) { h = linreduce(ideal(T[2..d]),d,ll[i]); if (size(lroots)) { lroots = addlist(mutrisolve(list(ll[i])+o,h,prec),lroots,m); } else { lroots = mutrisolve(list(ll[i])+o,h,prec); if (m>1){lroots=multlist(lroots,m);} } i--; } z--; } return(lroots); } /* * the last call, we are ready */ static proc l_mutrisolve(list sp, list o, int prec) { list lroots,ll; int z,m,i; z = size(sp); while (z>0) { m = sp[z][2]; ll = laguerre(sp[z][1],prec,1); for (i=size(ll);i>0;i--){ll[i] = list(ll[i])+o;} if (size(lroots)) { lroots = addlist(list(list(ll,m)),lroots,1); } else { lroots = list(list(ll,m)); } z--; } return(lroots); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc ures_solve( ideal gls, list # ) "USAGE: ures_solve(i [, k, p] ); i = ideal, k, p = integers @format k=0: use sparse resultant matrix of Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky, k=1: use resultant matrix of Macaulay which works only for homogeneous ideals, p>0: defines precision of the long floats for internal computation if the basering is not complex (in decimal digits), (default: k=0, p=30) @end format ASSUME: i is a zerodimensional ideal with nvars(basering) = ncols(i) = number of vars actually occurring in i, RETURN: list of all (complex) roots of the polynomial system i = 0; the result is of type @format string: if the basering is not complex, number: otherwise. @end format EXAMPLE: example ures_solve; shows an example " { int typ=0;// defaults int prec=30; if ( size(#) > 0 ) { typ= #[1]; if ( typ < 0 || typ > 1 ) { ERROR("Valid values for second parameter k are: 0: use sparse Resultant (default) 1: use Macaulay Resultant"); } } if ( size(#) > 1 ) { prec= #[2]; if ( prec < 8 ) { prec = 8; } } return(uressolve(gls,typ,prec,1)); // the last nonzero parameter gives an extra run of // Laguerre's algorithm leading to better results } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; // compute the intersection points of two curves ring rsq = 0,(x,y),lp; ideal gls= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; ures_solve(gls,0,16); // result is a list (x,y)-coordinates as strings // now with complex coefficient field, precision is 20 digits ring rsc= (real,20,I),(x,y),lp; ideal i = (2+3*I)*x2 + (0.35+I*45.0e-2)*y2 - 8, x2 + xy + (42.7)*y2; list l= ures_solve(i,0,10); // result is a list of (x,y)-coordinates of complex numbers l; // check the result subst(subst(i[1],x,l[1][1]),y,l[1][2]); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc mp_res_mat( ideal i, list # ) "USAGE: mp_res_mat(i [, k] ); i ideal, k integer, @format k=0: sparse resultant matrix of Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky, k=1: resultant matrix of Macaulay (k=0 is default) @end format ASSUME: The number of elements in the input system must be the number of variables in the basering plus one; if k=1 then i must be homogeneous. RETURN: module representing the multipolynomial resultant matrix EXAMPLE: example mp_res_mat; shows an example " { int typ=0; if ( size(#) > 0 ) { typ= #[1]; if ( typ < 0 || typ > 1 ) { ERROR("Valid values for third parameter are: 0: sparse resultant (default) 1: Macaulay resultant"); } } return(mpresmat(i,typ)); } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; // compute resultant matrix in ring with parameters (sparse resultant matrix) ring rsq= (0,u0,u1,u2),(x1,x2),lp; ideal i= u0+u1*x1+u2*x2,x1^2 + x2^2 - 10,x1^2 + x1*x2 + 2*x2^2 - 16; module m = mp_res_mat(i); print(m); // computing sparse resultant det(m); // compute resultant matrix (Macaulay resultant matrix) ring rdq= (0,u0,u1,u2),(x0,x1,x2),lp; ideal h= homog(imap(rsq,i),x0); h; module m = mp_res_mat(h,1); print(m); // computing Macaulay resultant (should be the same as above!) det(m); // compute numerical sparse resultant matrix setring rsq; ideal ir= 15+2*x1+5*x2,x1^2 + x2^2 - 10,x1^2 + x1*x2 + 2*x2^2 - 16; module mn = mp_res_mat(ir); print(mn); // computing sparse resultant det(mn); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc interpolate( ideal p, ideal w, int d ) "USAGE: interpolate(p,v,d); p,v=ideals of numbers, d=integer ASSUME: Ground field K is the field of rational numbers, p and v are lists of elements of the ground field K with p[j] != -1,0,1, size(p) = n (= number of vars) and size(v)=N=(d+1)^n. RETURN: poly f, the unique polynomial f of degree n*d with prescribed values v[i] at the points p(i)=(p[1]^(i-1),..,p[n]^(i-1)), i=1,..,N. NOTE: mainly useful when n=1, i.e. f is satisfying f(p^(i-1)) = v[i], i=1..d+1. SEE ALSO: vandermonde. EXAMPLE: example interpolate; shows an example " { return(vandermonde(p,w,d)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo=2; ring r1 = 0,(x),lp; // determine f with deg(f) = 4 and // v = values of f at points 3^0, 3^1, 3^2, 3^3, 3^4 ideal v=16,0,11376,1046880,85949136; interpolate( 3, v, 4 ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc psubst( int d, int dd, int n, list resl, ideal fi, int elem, int nv, int prec ) { // nv: number of ring variables (fixed value) // elem: number of elements in ideal fi (fixed value) // fi: input ideal (fixed value) // rl: output list of roots // resl: actual list of roots // n: // dd: actual element of fi // d: actual variable int olddd=dd; if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// 0 step "+string(dd)+" of "+string(elem);} if ( dd <= elem ) { int loop = 1; int k; list lsr,lh; poly ps; int thedd; if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// 1 dd = "+string(dd);} thedd=0; while ( (dd+1 <= elem) && loop ) { ps= fi[dd+1]; if ( n-1 > 0 ) { if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 2 ps=fi["+string(dd+1)+"]"+" size=" +string(size(coeffs(ps,var(n-1)))) +" leadexp(ps)="+string(leadexp(ps)); } if ( size(coeffs(ps,var(n-1))) == 1 ) { dd++; // hier Leading-Exponent pruefen??? // oder ist das Poly immer als letztes in der Liste?!? // leadexp(ps) } else { loop=0; } } else { if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 2 ps=fi["+string(dd+1)+"]"+" leadexp(ps)=" +string(leadexp(ps)); } dd++; } } thedd=dd; ps= fi[thedd]; if ( pdebug>=1 ) { "// 3 fi["+string(thedd-1)+"]"+" leadexp(fi[thedd-1])=" +string(leadexp(fi[thedd-1])); "// 3 ps=fi["+string(thedd)+"]"+" leadexp(ps)=" +string(leadexp(ps)); } for ( k= nv; k > nv-d; k-- ) { if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 4 subst(fi["+string(thedd)+"]," +string(var(k))+","+string(resl[k])+");"; } ps = subst(ps,var(k),resl[k]); } if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 5 substituted ps="+string(ps); } if ( ps != 0 ) { lsr= laguerre_solve( ps, prec, prec, 0 ); } else { if ( pdebug>=1 ) { "// 30 ps == 0, thats not cool..."; } lsr=@ln; // lsr=number(0); } if ( pdebug>=1 ) { "// 6 laguerre_solve found roots: lsr["+string(size(lsr))+"]"; } if ( size(lsr) > 1 ) { if ( pdebug>=1 ) { "// 10 checking roots found before, range " +string(dd-olddd)+" -- "+string(dd); "// 10 thedd = "+string(thedd); } int i,j,l; int ls=size(lsr); int lss; poly pss; list nares; int rroot; int nares_size; for ( i = 1; i <= ls; i++ ) // lsr[1..ls] { rroot=1; if ( pdebug>=2 ) {"// 13 root lsr["+string(i)+"] = "+string(lsr[i]);} for ( l = 0; l <= dd-olddd; l++ ) { if ( l+olddd != thedd ) { if ( pdebug>=2 ) {"// 11 checking ideal element "+string(l+olddd);} ps=fi[l+olddd]; if ( pdebug>=3 ) {"// 14 ps=fi["+string(l+olddd)+"]";} for ( k= nv; k > nv-d; k-- ) { if ( pdebug>=3 ) { "// 11 subst(fi["+string(olddd+l)+"]," +string(var(k))+","+string(resl[k])+");"; } ps = subst(ps,var(k),resl[k]); } pss=subst(ps,var(k),lsr[i]); // k=nv-d if ( pdebug>=3 ) { "// 15 0 == "+string(pss); } if ( pss != 0 ) { if ( system("complexNearZero", leadcoef(pss), prec) ) { if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 16 root "+string(i)+" is a real root"; } } else { if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 17 0 == "+string(pss); } rroot=0; } } } } if ( rroot == 1 ) // add root to list ? { if ( size(nares) > 0 ) { nares=nares[1..size(nares)],lsr[i]; } else { nares=lsr[i]; } if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 18 added root to list nares"; } } } nares_size=size(nares); if ( nares_size == 0 ) { "Numerical problem: No root found..."; "Output may be incorrect!"; nares=@ln; } if ( pdebug>=1 ) { "// 20 found <"+string(size(nares))+"> roots"; } for ( i= 1; i <= nares_size; i++ ) { resl[nv-d]= nares[i]; if ( dd < elem ) { if ( i > 1 ) { rn@++; } psubst( d+1, dd+1, n-1, resl, fi, elem, nv, prec ); } else { if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// 30_1 <"+string(rn@)+"> "+string(size(resl))+" <-----";} if ( pdebug>=2 ) { resl; } rlist[rn@]=resl; } } } else { if ( pdebug>=2 ) { "// 21 found root to be: "+string(lsr[1]); } resl[nv-d]= lsr[1]; if ( dd < elem ) { psubst( d+1, dd+1, n-1, resl, fi, elem, nv, prec ); } else { if ( pdebug>=1 ) { "// 30_2 <"+string(rn@)+"> "+string(size(resl))+" <-----";} if ( pdebug>=2 ) { resl; } rlist[rn@]=resl; } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc fglm_solve( ideal fi, list # ) "USAGE: fglm_solve(i [, p] ); i ideal, p integer ASSUME: the ground field has char 0. RETURN: a list of numbers, the complex roots of i; p>0: gives precision of complex numbers in decimal digits (default: p=30). NOTE: The procedure uses a standard basis of i to determine all complex roots of i. It creates a ring rC with the same number of variables but with complex coefficients (and precision p). EXAMPLE: example fglm_solve; shows an example " { int prec=30; if ( size(#)>=1 && typeof(#[1])=="int") { prec=#[1]; } lex_solve(stdfglm(fi),prec); keepring basering; } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; // compute the intersection points of two curves ideal s= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; fglm_solve(s,10); rlist; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc lex_solve( ideal fi, list # ) "USAGE: lex_solve( i[,p] ); i=ideal, p=integer, @format p>0: gives precision of complex numbers in decimal digits (default: p=30). @end format ASSUME: i is a reduced lexicographical Groebner bases of a zero-dimensional ideal, sorted by increasing leading terms. RETURN: nothing CREATE: The procedure creates a complec ring with the same variables but with complex coefficients (and precision p). In this ring a list rlist of numbers is created, in which the complex roots of i are stored. EXAMPLE: example lex_solve; shows an example " { int prec=30; if ( size(#)>=1 && typeof(#[1])=="int") { prec=#[1]; } if ( !defined(pdebug) ) { int pdebug; pdebug=0; export pdebug; } string orings= nameof(basering); def oring= basering; // change the ground field to complex numbers string nrings= "ring "+orings+"C=(complex,"+string(prec) +"),("+varstr(basering)+"),lp;"; execute(nrings); if ( pdebug>=0 ) { "// name of new ring: "+string(nameof(basering));} // map fi from old to new ring ideal fi= imap(oring,fi); // list with entry 0 (number) number nn=0; if ( !defined(@ln) ) { list @ln; export @ln; } @ln=nn; int idelem= size(fi); int nv= nvars(basering); int i,j,k,lis; list resl,li; if ( !defined(rlist) ) { list rlist; export rlist; } if ( !defined(rn@) ) { int rn@; export rn@; } rn@=0; li= laguerre_solve(fi[1],prec,prec,0); lis= size(li); if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// laguerre found roots: "+string(size(li));} for ( j= 1; j <= lis; j++ ) { if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// root "+string(j);} rn@++; resl[nv]= li[j]; psubst( 1, 2, nv-1, resl, fi, idelem, nv, prec ); } if ( pdebug>=0 ) {"// list of roots: "+nameof(rlist);} // keep the ring and exit keepring basering; } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; // compute the intersection points of two curves ideal s= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; lex_solve(stdfglm(s),10); rlist; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc triangLf_solve( ideal fi, list # ) "USAGE: triangLf_solve(i [, p] ); i ideal, p integer, p>0: gives precision of complex numbers in digits (default: p=30). ASSUME: the ground field has char 0; i is a zero-dimensional ideal RETURN: nothing CREATE: The procedure creates a ring rC with the same number of variables but with complex coefficients (and precision p).@* In rC a list rlist of numbers is created, in which the complex roots of i are stored.@* The proc uses a triangular system (Lazard's Algorithm with factorization) computed from a standard basis to determine recursively all complex roots with Laguerre's algorithm of input ideal i. EXAMPLE: example triangLf_solve; shows an example " { int prec=30; if ( size(#)>=1 && typeof(#[1])=="int") { prec=#[1]; } triang_solve(triangLfak(stdfglm(fi)),prec); keepring basering; } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; // compute the intersection points of two curves ideal s= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; triangLf_solve(s,10); rlist; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc triangM_solve( ideal fi, list # ) "USAGE: triangM_solve(i [, p ] ); i=ideal, p=integer, p>0: gives precision of complex numbers in digits (default: p=30). ASSUME: the ground field has char 0;@* i zero-dimensional ideal RETURN: nothing CREATE: The procedure creates a ring rC with the same number of variables but with complex coefficients (and precision p).@* In rC a list rlist of numbers is created, in which the complex roots of i are stored.@* The proc uses a triangular system (Moellers Algorithm) computed from a standard basis to determine recursively all complex roots with Laguerre's algorithm of input ideal i. EXAMPLE: example triangM_solve; shows an example " { int prec=30; if ( size(#)>=1 && typeof(#[1])=="int") { prec=#[1]; } triang_solve(triangM(stdfglm(fi)),prec); keepring basering; } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; // compute the intersection points of two curves ideal s= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; triangM_solve(s,10); rlist; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc triangL_solve( ideal fi, list # ) "USAGE: triangL_solve(i [, p] ); i=ideal, p=integer,@* p>0: gives precision of complex numbers in digits (default: p=30). ASSUME: the ground field has char 0; i is a zero-dimensional ideal. RETURN: nothing CREATE: The procedure creates a ring rC with the same number of variables but with complex coefficients (and precision p).@* In rC a list rlist of numbers is created, in which the complex roots of i are stored.@* The proc uses a triangular system (Lazard's Algorithm) computed from a standard basis to determine recursively all complex roots with Laguerre's algorithm of input ideal i. EXAMPLE: example triangL_solve; shows an example " { int prec=30; if ( size(#)>=1 && typeof(#[1])=="int") { prec=#[1]; } triang_solve(triangL(stdfglm(fi)),prec); keepring basering; } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; // compute the intersection points of two curves ideal s= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; triangL_solve(s,10); rlist; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc triang_solve( list lfi, int prec, list # ) "USAGE: triang_solve(l,p [, d] ); l=list, p,d=integers,@* l a list of finitely many triangular systems, such that the union of their varieties equals the variety of the initial ideal.@* p>0: gives precision of complex numbers in digits,@* d>0: gives precision (1=0 ) { "// name of new ring: "+string(nameof(basering));} // list with entry 0 (number) number nn=0; if ( !defined(@ln) ) { list @ln; export @ln; } @ln=nn; // set number of digits for zero-comparison of roots if ( !defined(myCompDigits) ) { int myCompDigits; export myCompDigits; } if ( size(#)>=1 && typeof(#[1])=="int" ) { myCompDigits=#[1]; } else { myCompDigits=(system("getPrecDigits")); } if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// myCompDigits="+string(myCompDigits);} int idelem; int nv= nvars(basering); int i,j,k,lis; list resu,li; if ( !defined(rlist) ) { list rlist; export rlist; } if ( !defined(rn@) ) { int rn@; export rn@; } rn@=0; // map the list list lfi= imap(oring,lfi); int slfi= size(lfi); ideal fi; for ( i= 1; i <= slfi; i++ ) { // map fi from old to new ring fi= lfi[i]; //imap(oring,lfi[i]); idelem= size(fi); // solve fi[1] li= laguerre_solve(fi[1],myCompDigits,myCompDigits,0); lis= size(li); if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// laguerre found roots: "+string(size(li));} for ( j= 1; j <= lis; j++ ) { if ( pdebug>=1 ) {"// root "+string(j);} rn@++; resu[nv]= li[j]; psubst( 1, 2, nv-1, resu, fi, idelem, nv, myCompDigits ); } } if ( pdebug>=0 ) {"// list of roots: "+nameof(rlist);} // keep the ring and exit keepring basering; } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = 0,(x,y),lp; // compute the intersection points of two curves ideal s= x2 + y2 - 10, x2 + xy + 2y2 - 16; triang_solve(triangLfak(stdfglm(s)),10); rlist; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc simplexOut(list l) "USAGE: simplexOut(l); l list ASSUME: l is the output of simplex. RETURN: nothing. The procedure prints the computed solution of simplex (as strings) in a nice format. SEE ALSO: simplex EXAMPLE: example simplexOut; shows an example " { int i,j; matrix m= l[1]; intvec iposv= l[3]; int icase= l[2]; int cols= ncols(m); int rows= nrows(m); int N= l[6]; if ( 1 == icase ) // objective function is unbound { "objective function is unbound"; return(); } if ( -1 == icase ) // no solution satisfies the given constraints { "no solution satisfies the given constraints"; return(); } if ( -2 == icase ) // other error { "an error occurred during simplex computation!"; return(); } for ( i = 1; i <= rows; i++ ) { if (i == 1) { "z = "+string(m[1][1]); } else { if ( iposv[i-1] <= N ) { "x"+string(iposv[i-1])+" = "+string(m[i,1]); } // else // { // "Y"; iposv[i-1]-N+1; // } } } } example { "EXAMPLE:";echo=2; ring r = (real,10),(x),lp; // consider the max. problem: // // maximize x(1) + x(2) + 3*x(3) - 0.5*x(4) // // with constraints: x(1) + 2*x(3) <= 740 // 2*x(2) - 7*x(4) <= 0 // x(2) - x(3) + 2*x(4) >= 0.5 // x(1) + x(2) + x(3) + x(4) = 9 // matrix sm[5][5]= 0, 1, 1, 3,-0.5, 740,-1, 0,-2, 0, 0, 0,-2, 0, 7, 0.5, 0,-1, 1,-2, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1; int n = 4; // number of constraints int m = 4; // number of variables int m1= 2; // number of <= constraints int m2= 1; // number of >= constraints int m3= 1; // number of == constraints list sol=simplex(sm, n, m, m1, m2, m3); simplexOut(sol); } // local Variables: *** // c-set-style: bsd *** // End: ***