/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="$Id: surf.lib,v 2002/07/17 08:39:04 keilen Exp $"; category="Visualization"; info=" LIBRARY: surf.lib Procedures for Graphics with Surf AUTHOR: Hans Schoenemann, the program surf is written by Stefan Endrass NOTE: @texinfo To use this library requires the program @code{surf} to be installed. @code{surf} is only available for Linux PCs and Sun workstations. You can download @code{surf} either from @uref{http://sourceforge.net/projects/surf} or from @uref{ftp://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/pub/Math/Singular/utils/}. @end texinfo PROCEDURES: plot(I); plots plane curves and surfaces "; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static proc num_of_vars(ideal I) { intvec v; int i; poly p; for(i=size(I);i>0;i--) { p=I[i]; while(p!=0) { v=v+leadexp(p); p=p-lead(p); } } return(v); } proc plot(ideal I,list #) "USAGE: plot(I); I ideal or poly ASSUME: I defines a plane curve or a surface given by one equation RETURN: nothing NOTE: requires the external program 'surf' to be installed EXAMPLE: example plot; shows an example " { string extra_surf_opts=" -x "; // remove this line for surf 0.9 string l="/tmp/surf"+string(system("pid")); string err_mes; // string containing error messages def base=basering; intvec v=num_of_vars(I); int i,j,n; for(i=size(v);i>0;i--) { if (v[i]!=0) { n++; } } if (n==0 or n>3) { err_mes="Cannot plot equations with "+string(n)+" variables"; ERROR(err_mes); } ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp; short=0; map phi=base,0; j=1; for(i=1;i<=size(v);i++) { if (v[i]!=0) { phi[i]=var(j); j++; if(j==4) break; } } ideal I=simplify(phi(I),2); if (leadcoef(I[1]) <0) { I[1]=-I[1]; } if (ncols(I)==1 and n<=2 and nvars(base)!=3) // curve { write(":w "+l,"clip=none;"); write(l, "width=500; height=500; set_size; do_background=yes; background_red=255; background_green=255; background_blue=255;"); write(l, "root_finder=d_chain_bisection;epsilon=0.0000000001;iterations=20000;"); write(l, "curve_green=0; curve_blue=0; curve_width=1.5;"); if (size(#)>0) { write(l,#[1]); } write(l,"curve=",I[1],";"); write(l,"draw_curve;"); } else { if (ncols(I)==1 and (n==3 or nvars(base)==3)) // surface { write(":w "+l, "root_finder=d_chain_bisection;epsilon=0.0000000001;iterations=20000;"); write(l, "width=500; height=500; set_size; do_background=yes; background_red=255; background_green=255; background_blue=255;"); write(l,"rot_x=0.14; rot_y=-0.3;"); if (size(#)>0) { write(l,#[1]); } write(l,"surface=",I[1],";"); write(l,"draw_surface;"); } else { err_mes="cannot plot "+string(ncols(I))+" equations in " +string(n)+" variables"; ERROR(err_mes); } } string surf_call = "surf "; if (defined(extra_surf_opts)) { surf_call = surf_call + extra_surf_opts + " "; } // "calling surf (by Stephan Endrass) for drawing"; i=system("sh",surf_call + l +" >/dev/null 2>&1"); if (i!=0) { err_mes = "calling `surf` failed. (the shell return the error code " +string(i)+")."+newline+ "probably the executable `surf` is not found."; ERROR(err_mes); } i=system("sh","/bin/rm "+l); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo =2; // --------- plane curves ------------ ring rr0 = 0,(x1,x2),dp; ideal I = x1^3 - x2^2; plot(I); ring rr1 = 0,(x,y,z),dp; ideal I(1) = 2x2-1/2x3 +1-y+1; plot(I(1)); // ---- Singular Logo -------------- poly logo = ((x+3)^3 + 2*(x+3)^2 - y^2)*(x^3 - y^2)*((x-3)^3-2*(x-3)^2-y^2); plot(logo); // Steiner surface ideal J(2) = x^2*y^2+x^2*z^2+y^2*z^2-17*x*y*z; plot(J(2)); // -------------------- plot(x*(x2-y2)+z2); // E7 plot(x^3-x*y^3+z^2); // Whitney umbrella plot(z^2-x^2*y); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////