2.3.1 First steps
Once SINGULAR is started, it awaits an input after the prompt
> . Every statement has to be terminated by ; .
All objects have a type, e.g., integer variables are defined by
the word int . An assignment is made using the symbol = .
Test for equality resp. inequality is done using ==
resp. != (or <> ), where 0 represents the boolean
value FALSE, and any other value represents TRUE.
| k == 2;
==> 1
k != 2;
==> 0
The value of an object is displayed by simply typing its name.
On the other hand, the output is suppressed if an assignment
is made.
The last displayed (!) result can be retrieved via the special
symbol _ .
| 2*_; // the value from k displayed above
==> 4
Text starting with // denotes a comment and is ignored in
calculations, as seen in the previous example. Furthermore SINGULAR
maintains a history of the previous lines of input, which may be accessed by
CTRL-P (previous) and CTRL-N (next) or the arrows on the
The whole manual is available online by typing the command help; .
Documentation on single topics, e.g., on intmat , which defines a
matrix of integers, is obtained by
This will display the text of intmat, in the printed manual.
Next, we define a
matrix of integers and initialize it with some values, row by row
from left to right:
| intmat m[3][3] = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
A single matrix entry may be selected and changed using
square brackets [ and ] .
| m[1,2]=0;
==> 1,0,3,
==> 4,5,6,
==> 7,8,9
To calculate the trace of this matrix, we use a for loop. The
curly brackets { and } denote the beginning resp.
end of a block. If you define a variable without giving an initial
value, as the variable tr in the example below, SINGULAR
assigns a default value for the specific type. In this case, the default
value for integers is 0 . Note that the integer variable j
has already been defined above.
| int tr;
for ( j=1; j <= 3; j++ ) { tr=tr + m[j,j]; }
==> 15
Variables of type string can also be defined and used without having an
active ring. Strings are delimited by " (double quotes). They
may be used to comment the output of a computation or to give it a nice
format. If a string contains valid SINGULAR commands, it can be
executed using the function execute . The result is the same as if
the commands would have been written on the command line. This feature
is especially useful to define new rings inside procedures.
| "example for strings:";
==> example for strings:
string s="The element of m ";
s = s + "at position [2,3] is:"; // concatenation of strings by +
s , m[2,3] , ".";
==> The element of m at position [2,3] is: 6 .
s="m[2,1]=0; m;";
==> 1,0,3,
==> 0,5,6,
==> 7,8,9
This example shows that expressions can be separated by , (comma)
giving a list of expressions. SINGULAR evaluates each expression in
this list and prints all results separated by spaces.