D.2.10.10 triagmatrix
Procedure from library random.lib (see random_lib).
- Usage:
- triagmatrix(n,m,o[,u,pe,pp,b]); n,m,o,u,pe,pp,b integers
- Return:
- nxm lower triagonal matrix, diagonal entries equal to 1, about
p percent of lower diagonal entries are 0, the remaining
are random polynomials of degree d, u<=d<=o, with pp percent of
the terms being 0, the remaining have random coefficients
in the interval [1,b] [default: (pe,u,pp,b) = (0,50,75,100)]
| LIB "random.lib";
ring r = 0,(a,b,c,d),dp;
// sparse triagonal matrix of sparse polys of degree <=2:
==> 1, 0,0,0,
==> 52ac+54cd+14c, 1,0,0,
==> 17a2+19b2+45ac+94bc+50b+87c+54d+21,0,1,0
// dense triagonal matrix of sparse linear forms:
==> 1, 0, 0,
==> 7a+8d, 1, 0,
==> 9b+7c+4d,7b+9d,1