D.4.18.14 dimMon
Procedure from library monomialideal.lib (see monomialideal_lib).
- Usage:
- dimMon (I); I ideal
- Return:
- an integer, the dimension of the affine variety defined by
the ideal I.
(returns -1 if I is not a monomial ideal)
- Assume:
- I is a monomial ideal of the basering.
| LIB "monomialideal.lib";
ring R = 0,(w,x,y,z,t),lp;
ideal I = w^3*x*y,w*x*y*z*t,x^2*y^2*z^2,x^2*z^4*t^3,y^3*z;
dimMon (I);
==> 3
ideal J = w^4,x^3,y^4,z^2,t^6,w^2*x^2*y,w*z*t^4,x^2*y^3,z*t^5;
dimMon (J);
==> 0