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4.22 string

Variables of type string are used for output (almost every type can be "converted" to string) and for creating new commands at runtime see execute. They are also return values of certain interpreter related functions (see Functions). String constants consist of a sequence of ANY characters (including newline!) between a starting " and a closing ". There is also a string constant newline, which is the newline character. The + sign "adds" strings, "" is the empty string (hence strings form a semigroup). Strings may be used to comment the output of a computation or to give it a nice format. Strings may also be used for intermediate conversion of one type into another.

  string s="Hi";
  string s1="a string with new line at the end"+newline;
  string s2="another string with new line at the end
==> Hi
==> a string with new line at the end
==> another string with new line at the end
  ring r; ideal i=std(ideal(x,y^3));
  "dimension of i =",dim(i),", multiplicity of i =",mult(i);
==> dimension of i = 1 , multiplicity of i = 3
  "dimension of i = "+string(dim(i))+", multiplicity of i = "+string(mult(i));
==> dimension of i = 1, multiplicity of i = 3
==> ab c
A comma between two strings makes an expression list out of them (such a list is printed with a separating blank in between), while a + concatenates strings.

4.22.1 string declarations  
4.22.2 string expressions  
4.22.3 string type cast  
4.22.4 string operations  
4.22.5 string related functions  

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