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5.1.27 dump

dump ( link_expression )
dumps (i.e., writes in a "message" or "block") the state of the SINGULAR session (i.e., all defined variables and their values) to the specified link (which must be either an ASCII or ssi link) such that a getdump can retrieve it later on.
  ring r;
  // write the whole session to the file dump.ascii
  // in ASCII format
  dump(":w dump.ascii");
  kill r;                  // kill the basering
  // reread the session from the file
  // redefining everything which was not explicitly killed before
==> // coefficients: ZZ/32003 considered as a field
==> // number of vars : 3
==> //        block   1 : ordering dp
==> //                  : names    x y z
==> //        block   2 : ordering C
For ASCII links, integer matrices contained in lists are dumped as integer list elements (and not as integer matrices), and lists of lists are dumped as one flatted list. Furthermore, links themselves are not dumped.
See getdump; link; write.

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            User manual for Singular version 4.4.1, 2025, generated by texi2html.