D.13.2.1 fullSpace cone, the ambient space of dimension n D.13.2.2 origin cone, the origin in an ambient space of dimension n D.13.2.3 positiveOrthant cone, the positive orthant of dimension n D.13.2.4 ambientDimension the dimension of the ambient space the input lives in D.13.2.5 canonicalizeCone a unique representation of the cone c D.13.2.6 codimension the codimension of the input D.13.2.7 coneViaPoints define a cone D.13.2.8 coneViaInequalities define a cone D.13.2.9 coneLink the link of c around w D.13.2.10 containsAsFace is d a face of c D.13.2.11 containsInSupport is d contained in c D.13.2.12 containsPositiveVector contains a vector with only positive entries? D.13.2.13 containsRelatively p in c? D.13.2.14 convexHull convex hull D.13.2.15 convexIntersection convex hull D.13.2.16 dimension dimension of c D.13.2.17 dualCone the dual of c D.13.2.18 equations defining equations of c D.13.2.19 faceContaining the face of c containing w in its relative interior D.13.2.20 facets the facets of c D.13.2.21 generatorsOfLinealitySpace generators of the lineality space of c D.13.2.22 generatorsOfSpan generators of the span of c D.13.2.23 getLinearForms linear forms previously stored in c D.13.2.24 getMultiplicity multiplicity previously stored in c D.13.2.25 inequalities inequalities of c D.13.2.26 isFullSpace is the entire ambient space? D.13.2.27 isOrigin is the origin? D.13.2.28 isSimplicial is simplicial? D.13.2.29 linealityDimension the dimension of the lineality space of c D.13.2.30 linealitySpace the lineality space of c D.13.2.31 negatedCone the negative of c D.13.2.32 polytopeViaInequalities define a polytope D.13.2.33 polytopeViaPoints define a polytope D.13.2.34 quotientLatticeBasis basis of Z^n intersected with the span of c modulo Z^n intersected with the lineality space of c D.13.2.35 randomPoint a random point in the relative interior of c D.13.2.36 rays generators of the rays of c D.13.2.37 relativeInteriorPoint point in the relative interior of c D.13.2.38 semigroupGenerator generator of Z^n intersected with c modulo Z^n intersected with the lineality space of c D.13.2.39 setLinearForms stores linear forms in c D.13.2.40 setMultiplicity stores a multiplicity in c D.13.2.41 span unique irredundant equations of c D.13.2.42 uniquePoint a unique point in c stable under reflections at coordinate hyperplanes D.13.2.43 containsInCollection f contains c? D.13.2.44 emptyFan empty fan in ambient dimension n D.13.2.45 fanViaCones fan generated by the cones in L D.13.2.46 fullFan full fan in ambient dimension n D.13.2.47 fVector the f-Vector of f D.13.2.48 getCone the i-th cone of dimension d in f D.13.2.49 insertCone inserts the cone c into f D.13.2.50 isCompatible f and c live in the same ambient space D.13.2.51 isPure all maximal cones of f are of the same dimension D.13.2.52 nmaxcones number of maximal cones in f D.13.2.53 ncones number of cones in f D.13.2.54 numberOfConesOfDimension the number of cones in dimension d D.13.2.55 removeCone removes the cone c D.13.2.56 dualPolytope the dual of p D.13.2.57 newtonPolytope convex hull of all exponent vectors of f D.13.2.58 vertices vertices of p D.13.2.59 onesVector intvec of length n with all entries 1