D.15.5.1 visualize shows a scheme in index-notation D.15.5.2 u gives some vector; depends on @derivatives D.15.5.3 scheme computes the finite difference scheme defined by v1,..,vn D.15.5.4 laxfrT Lax-Friedrich-approximation for the time-direction D.15.5.5 laxfrX Lax-Friedrich-approximation for the space-direction D.15.5.6 forward forward-approximation D.15.5.7 backward backward-approximation D.15.5.8 central1st central-approximation of first order D.15.5.9 central2nd central-approximation of second order D.15.5.10 trapezoid trapezoid-approximation D.15.5.11 midpoint midpoint-approximation D.15.5.12 pyramid pyramid-approximation D.15.5.13 setinitials constructs and sets the basering for further computations D.15.5.14 errormap performs the Fouriertransformation of a poly D.15.5.15 matrixsystem gives the scheme of a pde-system as one matrix D.15.5.16 timestep gives the several timelevels of a scheme derived from a pde-system D.15.5.17 fouriersystem performs the Fouriertransformation of a matrix scheme D.15.5.18 PartitionVar partitions a poly into the var(n)-part and the rest D.15.5.19 ComplexValue computes the complex value of f, var(1) being the imaginary unit D.15.5.20 VarToPar substitute var(i) by par(i) D.15.5.21 ParToVar substitute par(i) by var(i) D.15.5.22 qepcad ask QEPCAD for equivalent constraints to f<1 D.15.5.23 qepcadsystem ask QEPCAD for equivalent constraints to all eigenvals of some matrices being <1