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5.1.94 modulo

modulo ( ideal_expression, ideal_expression )
modulo ( module_expression, module_expression )
modulo ( ideal_expression, ideal_expression{,} string_expression )
modulo ( module_expression, module_expression{,} string_expression )
modulo ( ideal_expression, ideal_expression{,} matrix_name )
modulo(h1,h2) represents $h_1/(h_1 \cap h_2) \cong (h_1+h_2)/h_2$where $h_1$ and $h_2$are considered as submodules of the same free module $R^l$(l=1 for ideals). Let $H_1$, resp. $H_2$,be the matrices of size $l \times k$, resp. $l \times m$, having the generators of $h_1$, resp. $h_2$,as columns. Then $h_1/(h_1 \cap h_2) \cong R^k / ker(\overline{H_1})$where $\overline{H_1}: R^k \rightarrow R^l/Im(H_2)=R^l/h_2$ is the induced map.
modulo(h1,h2) returns generators of the kernel of this induced map.
An optional third string argument give the GB algorithm to use. (default: "std", else: "groebner", "modstd", "slimgb").
An optional third argument (a name of a matrix) gives the matrix to store the transformation of the input to the GB (see liftstd).
If for at least one of h1 or h2 the attribute "isHomog" is set, modulo(h1,h2) also sets the attribute "isHomog" (if possible, that is, if the weights are compatible).
  ring r;
  ideal h1=x,y,z;
  ideal h2=x;
  module m=modulo(h1,h2);
==> 1,0, 0,0,
==> 0,-z,x,0,
==> 0,y, 0,x 
See hom_kernel; syz.

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