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5.1.103 names

names ( )
names ( ring_name )
names ( package_name )
names ( level )
list of strings
returns the names of all user-defined variables which are ring independent (this includes the names of procedures) or, in the second case, which belong to the given ring. The third case restricts the variables to the given level.

package_name can be Current, Top or any other identifier of type package.

  int i=9;
  ring r;
  poly f;
  package p;
  int j; exportto(p,j);
  poly g;
  setring r;
  list l=names();
==> l p r
==> [1]:
==>    g
==> [2]:
==>    f
==> [1]:
==>    j
==> [1]:
==>    l
==> [2]:
==>    p
==> [3]:
==>    r
==> [4]:
==>    i
==> [5]:
==>    mathicgb_prOrder
==> [6]:
==>    mathicgb
==> [7]:
==>    Singmathic
==> [8]:
==>    create_ring
==> [9]:
==>    min
==> [10]:
==>    max
==> [11]:
==>    datetime
==> [12]:
==>    weightKB
==> [13]:
==>    fprintf
==> [14]:
==>    printf
==> [15]:
==>    sprintf
==> [16]:
==>    quotient4
==> [17]:
==>    quotient5
==> [18]:
==>    quotient3
==> [19]:
==>    quotient2
==> [20]:
==>    quotient1
==> [21]:
==>    quot
==> [22]:
==>    res
==> [23]:
==>    groebner
==> [24]:
==>    qslimgb
==> [25]:
==>    hilbRing
==> [26]:
==>    par2varRing
==> [27]:
==>    quotientList
==> [28]:
==>    stdhilb
==> [29]:
==>    stdfglm
==> [30]:
==>    Standard
==> [31]:
==>    Float
==> [32]:
==>    crossprod
==> [33]:
==>    ZZ
==> [34]:
==>    QQ
==> [35]:
==>    Top
See nameof; reservedName.

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