| ncrepEvaluateAt
Procedure from library ncrat.lib (see ncrat_lib).
- Usage:
- matrix M = ncrepEvaluateAt(q, vars, point);
- Return:
- For q=(u, Q, v) calculate -u*Q(point)^(-1)*v,
that is to say, evaluate the ncrat represented
by q at point (scalar or matrix point).
| LIB "ncrat.lib";
ncInit(list("x", "y"));
ncrat f = ncratFromString("x+y");
ncrep q = ncrepGet(f);
matrix A[2][2] = 1, 2, 3, 4;
matrix B[2][2] = 5, 6, 7, 8;
matrix M = ncrepEvaluateAt(q, list(x, y), list(A, B));
==> 6, 8,
==> 10,12