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4.7.2 int expressions

An int expression is:

  1. a sequence of digits (if the number represented by this sequence is too large to fit into the range of integers it is automatically converted to the type number, if a basering is defined)
  2. an identifier of type int
  3. a function returning int
  4. an expression involving ints and the arithmetic operations +, -, *, div (/), % (mod), or ^
  5. a boolean expression
  6. a type cast to int

Note: Variables of type int represent the compiler integers and are, therefore, limited in their range (see Limitations). If this range is too small the expression must be converted to the type number over a ring with characteristic 0.

12345678901; // too large
==> 12345678901
==> bigint
ring r=0,x,dp;
==> 12345678901
==> bigint
// Note: 11*13*17*100*200*2000*503*1111*222222
// returns a machine integer:
==> // ** int overflow(*), result may be wrong
==> -6869239595516308480
// using the type cast number for a greater allowed range
==> 12075748128684240000000
ring rp=32003,x,dp;
==> 12345678901
==> bigint
intmat m[2][2] = 1,2,3,4;
==> 1,2,
==> 3,4 
==> 4
==> int
==> -2
m[1,1] + m[2,1] == trace(m);
==> 0
! 0;
==> 1
1 and 2;
==> 1
intvec v = 1,2,3;
def d =transpose(v)*v;    // scalarproduct gives an 1x1 intvec
==> intvec
int i = d[1];             // access the first (the only) entry in the intvec
ring rr=31,(x,y,z),dp;
poly f = 1;
i = int(f);               // cast to int
// Integers may be converted to constant  polynomials by an assignment,
poly g=37;
// define the constant polynomial g equal to the image of
// the integer 37 in the actual coefficient field, here it equals 6
==> 6

See Type conversion and casting; number.

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