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D.4.13.1 solve_IP

Procedure from library intprog.lib (see intprog_lib).

solve_IP(A,bx,c,alg); A intmat, bx intvec, c intvec, alg string.
solve_IP(A,bx,c,alg); A intmat, bx list of intvec, c intvec, alg string.
solve_IP(A,bx,c,alg,prsv); A intmat, bx intvec, c intvec, alg string, prsv intvec.
solve_IP(A,bx,c,alg,prsv); A intmat, bx list of intvec, c intvec, alg string, prsv intvec.

same type as bx: solution of the associated integer programming problem(s) as explained in

Toric ideals and integer programming.

This procedure returns the solution(s) of the given IP-problem(s) or the message `not solvable'.
One may call the procedure with several different algorithms:
- the algorithm of Conti/Traverso (ct),
- the positive variant of the algorithm of Conti/Traverso (pct),
- the algorithm of Conti/Traverso using elimination (ect),
- the algorithm of Pottier (pt),
- an algorithm of Bigatti/La Scala/Robbiano (blr),
- the algorithm of Hosten/Sturmfels (hs),
- the algorithm of DiBiase/Urbanke (du).
The argument `alg' should be the abbreviation for an algorithm as above: ct, pct, ect, pt, blr, hs or du.

`ct' allows computation of an optimal solution of the IP-problem directly from the right-hand vector b.
The same is true for its `positive' variant `pct' which may only be applied if A and b have nonnegative entries.
All other algorithms need initial solutions of the IP-problem.

If `alg' is chosen to be `ct' or `pct', bx is read as the right hand vector b of the system Ax=b. b should then be an intvec of size m where m is the number of rows of A.
Furthermore, bx and A should be nonnegative if `pct' is used. If `alg' is chosen to be `ect',`pt',`blr',`hs' or `du', bx is read as an initial solution x of the system Ax=b. bx should then be a nonnegative intvec of size n where n is the number of columns of A.

If `alg' is chosen to be `blr' or `hs', the algorithm needs a vector with positive coefficients in the row space of A.
If no row of A contains only positive entries, one has to use the versions of solve_IP which take such a vector prsv as an argument.

solve_IP may also be called with a list bx of intvecs instead of a single intvec.

LIB "intprog.lib";
// 1. call with single right-hand vector
intmat A[2][3]=1,1,0,0,1,1;
intvec b1=1,1;
intvec c=2,2,1;
intvec solution_vector=solve_IP(A,b1,c,"pct");
==> 0,1,0
// 2. call with list of right-hand vectors
intvec b2=-1,1;
list l=b1,b2;
==> [1]:
==>    1,1
==> [2]:
==>    -1,1
list solution_list=solve_IP(A,l,c,"ct");
==> [1]:
==>    0,1,0
==> [2]:
==>    not solvable
// 3. call with single initial solution vector
==> 0,7,2
// 4. call with single initial solution vector
//    and algorithm needing a positive row space vector
==> ERROR: The chosen algorithm needs a positive vector in the row space of t\
   he matrix.
==> 0
// 5. call with single initial solution vector
//     and positive row space vector
intvec prsv=1,2,1;
==> 0,7,2
// 6. call with list of initial solution vectors
//    and positive row space vector
==> [1]:
==>    3,4,5
==> [2]:
==>    7,8,0
==> [1]:
==>    0,7,2
==> [2]:
==>    7,8,0
See also: Integer programming; intprog_lib; toric_lib.

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