D.4.16.14 sRes
Procedure from library modules.lib (see modules_lib).
- Usage:
- sRes(M,n); M Module or Ideal, n integer
- Return:
- Resolution, with graded modules, computed with Schreyer's method using the function sres
- Note:
- n is optional, if n ist positiv only that many steps will be computed
use R.dd[i]; to return the different modules as image of matrices, R Resolution i integer
EXAMPLE. example sRes, shows an example
| LIB "modules.lib";
ring r;
matrix m[1][3]=x,y,z;
Matrix M=m;
Module N=coker(M);
==> cokernel | x y z |
Resolution R = sRes(N);
==> 1 3 3 1
==> r <-- r <-- r <-- r
==> 0 1 2 3
==> resolution not minimized yet
==> {2} {2} {2}
==> {1} -y -x 0
==> {1} z 0 -x
==> {1} 0 z y