D.4.23.2 modNpos_test
Procedure from library noether.lib (see noether_lib).
- Usage:
- modNpos_test(i); i an ideal
- Return:
- 1 if i is in Noether position 0 otherwise.
- Note:
- This test is a probabilistic test, and it computes the initial of the ideal modulo the prime number 2147483647 (the biggest prime less than 2^31).
| LIB "noether.lib";
ring r=0,(X,Y,a,b),dp;
poly f=X^8+a*Y^4-Y;
poly g=Y^8+b*X^4-X;
poly h=diff(f,X)*diff(g,Y)-diff(f,Y)*diff(g,X);
ideal i=f,g,h;
==> // WARNING:
==> // The procedure is probabilistic and it computes the initial of the ide\
al modulo the prime number 2147483647
==> [1]:
==> 0
==> [2]:
==> [1]:
==> X
==> [2]:
==> Y
==> [3]:
==> b
==> [4]:
==> a