D.4.24.9 closureFrac
Procedure from library normal.lib (see normal_lib).
- Usage:
- closureFrac (L); L a list of size n+1 as in the result of
primeClosure, L[n] contains an additional polynomial f
- Create:
- a list fraction of two elements of L[1], such that
f=fraction[1]/fraction[2] via the injections phi L[i]-->L[i+1].
| LIB "normal.lib";
ring R=0,(x,y),dp;
ideal ker=x2+y2;
export ker;
list L=primeClosure(R); // We normalize R/ker
for (int i=1;i<=size(L);i++) { def R(i)=L[i]; }
setring R(2);
kill R;
phi; // The map R(1)-->R(2)
==> phi[1]=X(1)
==> phi[2]=X(2)
poly f=T(2); // We will get a representation of f
export f;
setring R(1);
kill R(2);
fraction; // f=fraction[1]/fraction[2] via phi
==> [1]:
==> x
==> [2]:
==> y
kill R(1);