D.4.27.12 testPrimary
Procedure from library primdec.lib (see primdec_lib).
- Usage:
- testPrimary(pr,k); pr a list, k an ideal.
- Assume:
- pr is the result of primdecGTZ(k) or primdecSY(k).
- Return:
- int, 1 if the intersection of the ideals in pr is k, 0 if not
| LIB "primdec.lib";
ring r = 32003,(x,y,z),dp;
poly p = z2+1;
poly q = z4+2;
ideal i = p^2*q^3,(y-z3)^3,(x-yz+z4)^4;
list pr = primdecGTZ(i);
==> 1