D.4.29.3 splitring
Procedure from library primitiv.lib (see primitiv_lib).
- Usage:
- splitring(f[,L]); f poly, L list of polys and/or ideals
- Assume:
- f is univariate and irreducible over the active ring.
The active ring must allow an algebraic extension (e.g., it cannot
be a transcendent ring extension of Q or Z/p).
- Return:
- ring;
if called with a nonempty second parameter L, then in the output
ring there is defined a list erg ( =L mapped to the new ring);
if the minpoly of the active ring is non-zero, then the image of
the primitive root of f in the output ring is appended as last
entry of the list erg.
- Note:
- If the old ring has no parameter, the name
a is chosen for the
parameter of R (if a is no ring variable; if it is, b is
chosen, etc.; if a,b,c,o are ring variables,
splitring(f[,L]) produces an error message), otherwise the
name of the parameter is kept and only the minimal polynomial is
The names of the ring variables and the orderings are not affected.
| LIB "primitiv.lib";
ring r=0,(x,y),dp;
def r1=splitring(x2-2);
setring r1; basering; // change to Q(sqrt(2))
==> // coefficients: QQ[a]/(a2-2) considered as a field
==> // number of vars : 2
==> // block 1 : ordering dp
==> // : names x y
==> // block 2 : ordering C
// change to Q(sqrt(2),sqrt(sqrt(2)))=Q(a) and return the transformed
// old parameter:
def r2=splitring(x2-a,a);
setring r2; basering; erg;
==> // coefficients: QQ[a]/(a4-2) considered as a field
==> // number of vars : 2
==> // block 1 : ordering dp
==> // : names x y
==> // block 2 : ordering C
==> [1]:
==> (a2)
==> [2]:
==> (a)
// the result is (a)^2 = (sqrt(sqrt(2)))^2
kill r1; kill r2;