D.5.2.1 symm | | symmetric functions in the entries of l |
D.5.2.2 symNsym | | symmetric and non-symmetric parts of a polynomial f |
D.5.2.3 CompleteHomog | | complete homogeneous symmetric functions |
D.5.2.4 segre | | Segre classes in terms of Chern classes |
D.5.2.5 chern | | Chern classes in terms of Segre classes |
D.5.2.6 chNum | | the non-zero Chern numbers in degree N in the entries of c |
D.5.2.7 chNumbers | | the Chern numbers in degree N in the entries of c |
D.5.2.8 sum_of_powers | | the sum of k-th powers of the entries of l |
D.5.2.9 powSumSym | | the sums of powers [up to degree N] in terms of the elementary symmetric polynomials (entries of l) |
D.5.2.10 chAll | | Chern character in terms of the Chern classes |
D.5.2.11 chAllInv | | Chern classes in terms of the Chern character |
D.5.2.12 chHE | | the highest term of the Chern character |
D.5.2.13 ChernRootsSum | | the Chern roots of a direct sum |
D.5.2.14 chSum | | the Chern classes of a direct sum |
D.5.2.15 ChernRootsDual | | the Chern roots of the dual vector bundle |
D.5.2.16 chDual | | the Chern classes of the dual vector bundle |
D.5.2.17 ChernRootsProd | | the Chern roots of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.18 chProd | | Chern classes of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.19 chProdE | | Chern classes of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.20 chProdL | | Chern classes of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.21 chProdLP | | total Chern class of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.22 chProdM | | Chern classes of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.23 chProdMP | | total Chern class of a tensor product of vector bundles |
D.5.2.24 ChernRootsHom | | the Chern roots of a Hom vector bundle |
D.5.2.25 chHom | | Chern classes of the Hom-vector bundle |
D.5.2.26 ChernRootsSymm | | the Chern roots of the n-th symmetric power of a vector bundle with Chern roots from l |
D.5.2.27 ChernRootsWedge | | the Chern roots of the n-th exterior power of a vector bundle with Chern roots from l |
D.5.2.28 chSymm | | the rank and the Chern classes of the k-th symmetric power of a vector bundle of rank r with Chern classes c |
D.5.2.29 chSymm2L | | the rank and the Chern classes of the second symmetric power of a vector bundle of rank r with Chern classes c |
D.5.2.30 chSymm2LP | | the total Chern class of the second symmetric power of a vector bundle of rank r with Chern classes c |
D.5.2.31 chWedge | | the rank and the Chern classes of the k-th exterior power of a vector bundle of rank r with Chern classes c |
D.5.2.32 chWedge2L | | the rank and the Chern classes of the second exterior power of a vector bundle of rank r with Chern classes c |
D.5.2.33 chWedge2LP | | the total Chern class of the second exterior power of a vector bundle of rank r with Chern classes c |
D.5.2.34 todd | | the Todd class |
D.5.2.35 toddE | | the highest term of the Todd class |
D.5.2.36 Bern | | the second Bernoulli numbers |
D.5.2.37 tdCf | | the coefficients of the Todd class of a line bundle |
D.5.2.38 tdTerms | | the terms of the Todd class of a line bundle corresponding to the Chern root t |
D.5.2.39 tdFactor | | the Todd class of a line bundle corresponding to the Chern root t |
D.5.2.40 cProj | | the total Chern class of (the tangent bundle on) the projective space P_n |
D.5.2.41 chProj | | the Chern character of (the tangent bundle on) the projective space P_n |
D.5.2.42 tdProj | | the Todd class of (the tangent bundle on) the projective space P_n |
D.5.2.43 eulerChProj | | Euler characteristic of a vector bundle on the projective space P_n via Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem |
D.5.2.44 chNumbersProj | | the Chern numbers of the projective space P_n |
D.5.2.45 classpoly | | polynomial in t with coefficients from l (without constant term) |
D.5.2.46 chernPoly | | Chern polynomial (constant term 1) |
D.5.2.47 chernCharPoly | | polynomial in t corresponding to the Chern character (constant term r) |
D.5.2.48 toddPoly | | polynomial in t corresponding to the Todd class (constant term 1) |
D.5.2.49 rHRR | | the main ingredient of the right-hand side of the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula |
D.5.2.50 SchurS | | the Schur polynomial corresponding to partition I in terms of the Segre classes S |
D.5.2.51 SchurCh | | the Schur polynomial corresponding to partition I in terms of the Chern classes C |
D.5.2.52 part | | partitions of integers not exceeding n into m non-negative summands |
D.5.2.53 dualPart | | partition dual to I |
D.5.2.54 PartC | | the complement of a partition with respect to m |
D.5.2.55 partOver | | partitions over a given partition J with summands not exceeding n |
D.5.2.56 partUnder | | partitions under a given partition J |
D.5.2.57 SegreA | | Segre class of the projective subscheme defined by I |
D.5.2.58 FultonA | | Fulton class of the projective subscheme defined by I |
D.5.2.59 CSMA | | Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson class of the projective subscheme defined by I |
D.5.2.60 EulerAff | | Euler characteristic of the affine subvariety defined by I |
D.5.2.61 EulerProj | | Euler characteristic of the projective subvariety defined by I |