D.6.8 classifyci_lib
- Library:
- classifyci.lib
- Purpose:
- Isolated complete intersection singularities in characteristic 0
- Authors:
- Gerhard Pfister pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de
Deeba Afzal deebafzal@gmail.com
- Overview:
- A library for classifying isolated complete intersection singularities for the base field of characteristic 0
and for computing weierstrass semigroup of the space curve.Isolated complete intersection singularities were
classified by M.Giusti [1] for the base field of characteristic 0. Algorithm for the semigroup of a space
curve singularity is given in [2].
- References:
- [1] Giusti,M:Classification des singularities isolees simples d'intersections completes,
C,R.Acad.Sci.Paris Ser.A-B 284(1977),167-169.
[2] Castellanos,A.,Castellanos,J.,2005:Algorithm for the semigroup of a space curve singularity.
Semigroup Forum 70,44-66.
D.6.8.1 classifyicis | | Isolated simple complete intersection singularities for the base field of characteristic 0 |
D.6.8.2 Semigroup | | Weierstrass semigroup of the space curve given by equations |