D.6.21.9 KSpencerKernel
Procedure from library spcurve.lib (see spcurve_lib).
- Usage:
- KSpencerKernel(M[,s][,v]); M matrix, s string, v intvec
optional parameters (please specify in this order, if both are
* s = first of the names of the new rings
e.g. "R" leads to ring names R and R1
* v of size n(n+1) leads to the following module ordering
gen(v[1]) > gen(v[2]) > ... > gen(v[n(n+1)]) where the matrix
entry ij corresponds to gen((i-1)*n+j)
- Assume:
- M is a quasihomogeneous n x (n+1) matrix where the n minors define
an isolated space curve singularity
- Return:
- new ring containing the coefficient matrix KS representing
the kernel of the Kodaira-Spencer map of the family of
non-negative deformations having the given singularity as
special fibre
- Note:
- * the initial basering should not contain variables with name
e(i) or T(i), since those variable names will internally be
used by the script
* setting an intvec with 5 entries and name watchProgress
shows the progress of the computations:
watchProgress[1]>0 => option(prot) in groebner commands
watchProgress[2]>0 => trace output for highcorner
watchProgress[3]>0 => output of deformed matrix
watchProgress[4]>0 => result of elimination step
watchProgress[4]>1 => trace output of multiplications with xyz
and subsequent reductions
watchProgress[5]>0 => matrix representing the kernel using print
| LIB "spcurve.lib";
ring r=0,(x,y,z),ds;
matrix M[3][2]=z-x^7,0,y^2,z,x^9,y;
def rneu=KSpencerKernel(M,"ar");
setring rneu;
==> // coefficients: QQ considered as a field
==> // number of vars : 17
==> // block 1 : ordering Ws
==> // : names e(1) e(2) e(3) e(4) e(5) e(6) x y z
==> // : weights -21 -10 -32 -21 -27 -16 3 16 21
==> // block 2 : ordering wp
==> // : names T(1) T(2) T(3) T(4) T(5) T(6) T(7) T(8)
==> // : weights 8 5 2 10 7 4 1 2
==> // block 3 : ordering C
==> T(7), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
==> KS[2,1],6*T(3), 3*T(7), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
==> KS[3,1],KS[3,2],KS[3,3],6*T(3),3*T(7),0, 0, 0,
==> 10*T(4),8*T(1), 7*T(5), 5*T(2),4*T(6),2*T(8),2*T(3),T(7)