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D.7.3.4 ImageGroup

Procedure from library rinvar.lib (see rinvar_lib).

ImageGroup(G, action); ideal G, action;

compute the ideal of the image of G in GL(m,K) induced by the linear action 'action', where G is an algebraic group and 'action' defines an action of G on K^m (size(action) = m).

ring, a polynomial ring over the same ground field as the basering, containing the ideals 'groupid' and 'actionid'.
- 'groupid' is the ideal of the image of G (order <= order of G) - 'actionid' defines the linear action of 'groupid' on K^m.

'action' and 'actionid' have the same orbits
all variables which give only rise to 0's in the m x m matrices of G have been omitted.

basering K[s(1..r),t(1..m)] has r + m variables, G is the ideal of an algebraic group and F is an action of G on K^m. G contains only the variables s(1)...s(r). The action 'action' is given by polynomials f_1,...,f_m in basering, s.t. on the ring level we have K[t_1,...,t_m] --> K[s_1,...,s_r,t_1,...,t_m]/G
t_i --> f_i(s_1,...,s_r,t_1,...,t_m)

LIB "rinvar.lib";
ring B   = 0,(s(1..2), t(1..2)),dp;
ideal G = s(1)^3-1, s(2)^10-1;
ideal action = s(1)*s(2)^8*t(1), s(1)*s(2)^7*t(2);
def R = ImageGroup(G, action);
==> // 'ImageGroup' created a new ring.
==> // To see the ring, type (if the name 'R' was assigned to the return valu\
==>      show(R);
==> // To access the ideal of the image of the input group and to access the \
==> // action of the group, type
==>      setring R;  groupid; actionid;
setring R;
==> groupid[1]=-s(1)+s(2)^4
==> groupid[2]=s(1)^8-s(2)^2
==> groupid[3]=s(1)^7*s(2)^2-1
==> actionid[1]=s(1)*t(1)
==> actionid[2]=s(2)*t(2)

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