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D.9.1.3 mplot

Procedure from library graphics.lib (see graphics_lib).

mplot(fname, I [,I1,I2,..,s] ); fname=string; I,I1,I2,..=ideals, s=string representing the plot region.
Use the ideals I1,I2,.. in order to produce multiple plots (they need to have the same number of entries as I!).

string, text with Mathematica commands to display a plot

The plotregion is defaulted to -1,1 around zero.
For implicit given curves enter first the string returned by procedure mathinit into Mathematica in order to load ImplicitPlot. The following conventions for I are used:
  - ideal with 2 entries in one variable means a parametrised plane curve,
  - ideal with 3 entries in one variable means a parametrised space curve,
  - ideal with 3 entries in two variables means a parametrised surface,
  - ideal with 2 entries in two variables means an implicit curve
    given as I[1]==I[2],
  - ideal with 1 entry (or one polynomial) in two variables means
    an implicit curve given as  f == 0,

LIB "graphics.lib";
// ---------  plane curves ------------
ring rr0 = 0,x,dp; export rr0;
ideal I = x3 + x, x2;
ideal J = x2, -x+x3;
==> ParametricPlot[{{s^3+s,s^2},{s^2,s^3-s}},{s,-2,2},
==>  AspectRatio->Automatic];
// Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook
// active evaluation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN
// --------- space curves --------------
I = x3,-1/10x3+x2,x2;
==> ParametricPlot3D[{{s^3,-1/10*s^3+s^2,s^2}},{s,-1,1},
==>  ViewPoint->{1.3,-2.4,2}];
// Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook
// active evaluation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN
// ----------- surfaces -------------------
ring rr1 = 0,(x,y),dp; export rr1;
ideal J = xy,y,x2;
==> ParametricPlot3D[{{s*t,t,s^2}},{s,-2,1},{t,1,2},
==>  Boxed->True, Axes->True, ViewPoint->{1.3,-2.4,2}];
// Paste the output into a Mathematica notebook
// active evaluation of the cell with SHIFT RETURN
kill rr0,rr1;

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