D.12.2.54 merkle_hellman_decryption
Procedure from library crypto.lib (see crypto_lib).
- Usage:
- merkle_hellman_decryption(knapsack, key, mod1, message)
- Return:
- decrypted binary list
| LIB "crypto.lib";
//Please note that the values have been obtained from the example of merkle_hellman_decryption and merkle_hellman_transformation!
list hardknapsack =3,9,15,13;
int key = 3;
int message = 22;
int mod1 = 23;
merkle_hellman_decryption(hardknapsack, key, mod1, message);
==> 15
==> [1]:
==> 0
==> [2]:
==> 1
==> [3]:
==> 0
==> [4]:
==> 1