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D.15.3.5 diffAlgebraChangeOrd

Procedure from library difform.lib (see difform_lib).

diffAlgebraChangeOrd(#); # list

the current basering is the differential algebra

the differential algebra with changed monomial ordering

- an ordering is defined via the following pattern:
- #[i] = 'gen' defines the ordering on the generators dx_i - #[i+1] must then be a valid monomial ordering as string - #[i+2] an optional weight vector
- #[i] = 'ringvar' defines the ordering on the ringvariables - #[i+1] must then be a valid monomial ordering as string - #[i+2] an optional weight vector
- only use for interior computations
- differential forms are polynomials in the differential algebra - not in the returned ring - do not define differential forms as polynomials in the returned ring since this is another data-ring - an error occurs if: - no valid monomial ordering is given - no weight vector is given but a weighted monomial ordering - a given weight vector has wrong dimension
- weight vectors are ignored if the given ordering is not weighted

See also: difformIsBigger; difformIsSmaller; difformListSort.

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