D.15.19.1 sagbiGeneral | | computes the Sagbi basis of the subalgebra of the current polynomial ring that is generated by the elements of Q. The computation is stopped after at most sagbiMaxRounds rounds if trhe parameter is set. If sorting is set, the compouted elements are degrevlex sorted before a round of the algorithm. The optional parameter verb sets the terminal output. Fefault is 1 = on.. |
D.15.19.2 sagbiByDegree | | computes the Sagbi basis degree by degree until thwe degree bound is reached or the Sagbi basis has been computed compltely. |
D.15.19.3 sagbiHilbControlled | | computes the Sagbi basis up to the degree bound. The Hilbert series of the subalgebra generated by the elements of Q is given by its numerator and denominator as a rational function. HS_denom_algebra lists the exponents g_i in the factors 1 -t^g_i of the denominator. If tehe degree bound is reached and the optional argument inalCheck is set, the Hilbert series is checked again for completion. |