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D.15.14.8 readInputTXT

Procedure from library pfd.lib (see pfd_lib).

readInputTXT(file[, mode]), file string, mode int
readInputTXT(filelist[, mode]), filelist list, mode int

read matrix of rational functions from a txt-file and turn it into a matrix (i.e. a list of lists) of pairs of polynomials (numerators and denominators). The string file should be the [directory +] name of the file in the form "/<filename>.txt".
The input file should be a list of lists separated by the characters "{", "}" and ",". Example:
"{{(x+y)/(x^2-x*y), -(x^2*y+1)/(y), x^2}, {(x+1)/y, y/x, 0}}"
Each rational function has to be an expression of the form "a", "(a)/(b)", "(b)^(-n)" or "(a)*(b)^(-n)" where "a","b" stand for polynomials (i.e. strings, that can be parsed as a polynomial with the execute command) and "n" stands for a positive integer. A minus sign "-" followed by such an expression is also allowed.
IMPORTANT: The strings "a","b" must NOT contain the symbol "/". (So in case the coefficient field is the rationals, all denominators in the coefficients of numerator and denominator polynomials should be cleared.)
The file should contain less than 2^31 characters (filesize < 2 GB). For bigger files the matrix should be split row-wise into multiple matrices and saved in different files (each smaller than 2 GB). A list of the filenames (in the right order) can then be given as first argument instead.
Also the basering has to match the variable names used in the input file(s).
mode=1 (default): save result to an ssi-file of the same name
mode=2: return result
mode=3: save to ssi-file AND return result

See also: pfdMat.

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