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5.1.120 print

print ( expression )
print ( expression, "betti" )
print ( expression, format_string )
The first form prints the expression.
The second form prints the graded Betti numbers from a matrix. The Betti numbers are printed in a matrix-like format where the entry $d$ in row $i$ and column $j$is the minimal number of generators in degree $i+j$ of the $j$-th syzygy module of $R^n/M$ (the 0th and 1st syzygy module of $R^n/M$ is $R^n$ and $M$, resp.).
The last form returns the printed output as a string depending on the format string iwhich determines the format to use to generate the string.

The following format strings are supported:

returns string( expression ),
similar to "%s", except that newlines are inserted after every comma and at the end,
similar to "%s", except that each object is embraced by its type such that it can be directly used for "cutting and pasting",
similar to "%l", except that newlines are inserted after every comma and at the end,
returns the string equivalent to typing expression;
returns the string equivalent to typing type expression;
returns the string equivalent to typing print(expression);
returns the string equivalent to typing print(expression, "betti");
is not a format string.
  ring r=0,(x,y,z),dp;
  module m=[1,y],[0,x+z];
==> m[1]=y*gen(2)+gen(1)
==> m[2]=x*gen(2)+z*gen(2)
  print(m);  // the columns generate m
==> 1,0, 
==> y,x+z
  string s=print(m,"%s"); s;
==> y*gen(2)+gen(1),x*gen(2)+z*gen(2)
  s=print(m,"%2s"); s;
==> y*gen(2)+gen(1),
==> x*gen(2)+z*gen(2)
  s=print(m,"%l"); s;
==> module(y*gen(2)+gen(1),x*gen(2)+z*gen(2))
  s=print(m,"%;"); s;
==> m[1]=y*gen(2)+gen(1)
==> m[2]=x*gen(2)+z*gen(2)
  s=print(m,"%t"); s;
==> // m module , rk 2
==> m[1]=y*gen(2)+gen(1)
==> m[2]=x*gen(2)+z*gen(2)
  s=print(m,"%p"); s;
==> 1,0, 
==> y,x+z
  intmat M=betti(mres(m,0));
==>            0     1
==> ------------------
==>     0:     1     1
==> ------------------
==> total:     1     1
  list l=r,M;
  s=print(l,"%s"); s;
==> (QQ),(x,y,z),(dp(3),C),1,1 
  s=print(l,"%2s"); s;
==> (QQ),(x,y,z),(dp(3),C),
==> 1,1 
  s=print(l,"%l"); s;
==> list("(QQ),(x,y,z),(dp(3),C)",intmat(intvec(1,1 ),1,2))
See Type conversion and casting; betti; dbprint; fprintf; printf; short; sprintf; string type cast; type.

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