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Procedure from library ncpreim.lib (see ncpreim_lib).

elimWeight(v); v an intvec

The basering is a G-algebra.
The entries of v are in the range 1..nvars(basering) and the corresponding variables generate an admissible subalgebra.

intvec, say w, such that the ordering (a(w),<), where < is any admissible global ordering, is an elimination ordering for the subalgebra generated by the variables indexed by the entries of the given intvec.

If no such ordering exists, the zero intvec is returned.

Reference: (BGL), (GML)

LIB "ncpreim.lib";
// (Lev): Example 2
ring r = 0,(a,b,x,d),Dp;
matrix D[4][4];
D[1,2] = 3*a;  D[1,4] = 3*x^2;  D[2,3] = -x;
D[2,4] = d;    D[3,4] = 1;
def A = nc_algebra(1,D);
setring A; A;
==> // coefficients: QQ considered as a field
==> // number of vars : 4
==> //        block   1 : ordering Dp
==> //                  : names    a b x d
==> //        block   2 : ordering C
==> // noncommutative relations:
==> //    ba=ab+3a
==> //    da=ad+3x2
==> //    xb=bx-x
==> //    db=bd+d
==> //    dx=xd+1
// Since d*a-a*d = 3*x^2, any admissible ordering has to satisfy
// x^2 < a*d, while any elimination ordering for {x,d} additionally
// has to fulfil a << x and a << d.
// Hence neither a block ordering with weights
// (1,1,1,1) nor a weighted ordering with weight (0,0,1,1) will do.
intvec v = 3,4;
==> 0,0,1,2

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