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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 123]
 Introduction to Singular kernel developmentIntroductory pages for new kernel development
 Building Singular from Sources
 New git-supported Development Model
 HowTo CONTRIBUTE to Singular development
 Style Guide for the Further Development of SINGULAR in C / C++
 Singular Build SystemShort introduction to the Singular build system
 Addition of a new sub-package within <tt>/kernel/</tt>
 What has been changed in Singular 4
 Dependencies between Singular packagesCurrent Singular packages and sub-packages with expected dependencies between them
 Singular memory manager for small chunks (omalloc)This is the Singular-specific memory manager which is tunned to handle the allocation and de-allocation of memory blocks of small size as efficient as it is possible (a few machine instructions in most cases)
 System environment and resource managementThis is a package that handled the system environment variables and especially the search path for Singular resources (like libraries and modules)
 Multivariate polynomial factorization (factory)Factory is a C++ class library that implements a recursive representation of multivariate polynomial data
 Basic Data StructuresBasic Data Structures for Singular
 Miscellaneous things
 ReporterThe most basic printing and error/warning procedures which may be used by Singular (e.g
 Coefficients for Singular rings and algebrasHere we implement number arithmetic for some rings/fields (coeff
 Multivariate polynomial rings and algebrasHere is the declaration and impelemntaion of a polynomial ring over a coeff
 Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel)Some core mathematical algorithms
 Numerical algorithmsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains some numerical algorithms
 Combinatorial algorithmsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains some combinatorial algorithms
 GB-based and related algorithmsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains Groebner and Standard basis as well as syzygy and resolution algorithms
 Groebner-Walk algorithmsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains Groebner Walk algorithms
 FGLM algorithmsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains some FGLM algorithms
 Fast polynomial mapsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains implementation of fast polynomial maps
 Spectrum-related algorithmsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains Spectrum-related (?) algorithms
 Linear algebra related algorithmsThis sub-package of kernel (Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel)) contains Linear algebra related algorithms
 Wrappers over host OS functionsThis sub-package of Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel) contains wrappers over host OS functions
 Singular Interpreter and related functionalityMain Singular application and its iterpreter (also available as a library)
 Dynamic modulesDynamic interpretor (Singular Interpreter and related functionality) extensions which may contain mathematical algorithms (like Several involved mathematical algorithms (kernel)) and also define new data structures (like Basic Data Structures)
 External Packages Singular may rely on
 Singular copying agreementCOPYING
 Legacy C/C++-Style guide for Singular
 Creating threads
 Building the library
 Userspace Threading
 Creating threads
 Building the library