hi, i need following computation:
let r be the polynomial ring: r=Q[a,b] let R be the polynomial ring: R=r[x,y,z] let I be an Ideal in R:
compute a set of generators of R/I as an free r module (if finite dimentional).
in the past i used "work-arounds" like R=(0,a,b),(x,y,z),Dp; to be able to use "kbase(I)", but for many reasons a mathematical correct definition like R=0,(a,b,x,y,z),Dp; would help much. i've read in the online manual that such computations can be done but did not find a function doing it.
best regards, peter
hi, i need following computation:
let r be the polynomial ring: r=Q[a,b] let R be the polynomial ring: R=r[x,y,z] let I be an Ideal in R:
compute a set of generators of R/I as an free r module (if finite dimentional).
in the past i used "work-arounds" like R=(0,a,b),(x,y,z),Dp; to be able to use "kbase(I)", but for many reasons a mathematical correct definition like R=0,(a,b,x,y,z),Dp; would help much. i've read in the online manual that such computations can be done but did not find a function doing it.
best regards, peter