Open the the file reesclos.lib, which is located in your LIB subdirectory,
in a editor and but // in front of the command static.
proc ClosureRees (list L)
Compare with the original file: ... esclos.libSave the file and load the the library again.
Now the proc reesclos.lib will be user available.
(If you don't want to modify the code, you can outsmart the behaviour
of the static proc by calling it from an another proc. Wrap it into
proc closurerees(list L) {return(ClosureRees(L));}
Then you may call closurerees instead.)
The appropriate input for
ClosureRees is the output from the
proc ReesAlgebra. So call, where I is an ideal
More information about the ongoing computation is obtained as follows:
1.) The author of the library has built in some messages which
will be shown when you set the system variable
printlevel to a large positive value. E.g.:
printlevel = 5;
At some stages you have to hit the return key to let the computation
continue. (Reset by printlevel =0;)
2.) If you set
TRACE = 3; then the code will be echoed, line by line,
and you have to press each time RETURN. (Reset by TRACE =0;)