
error with a simple program
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Author:  ashakeel [ Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  error with a simple program

I tried writing a simple library using the mdouble proc in the template lib.I called it test.lib:
proc mdouble (int i)
when I load it, and try to run, I get:
> load("test.lib")
// ** loaded test.lib (1.98,2007/11/06)
// ** library test.lib has old format. This format is still accepted,
// ** but for functionality you may wish to change to the new
// ** format. Please refer to the manual for further information.
. mdouble(9)
? error occurred in STDIN line 2: `mdouble(9)`
? last reserved name was `load`
skipping text from `(`.

any help would be appreciated.

Author:  dreyer [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Asif,
you forget the semicolons after your inputs.

This should do it:

Best regards,
Alexander Dreyer

Author:  Guest [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

thank you for that correction. What about the outdated format thing. Is there an updated manual that addresses that? Also, would you know if there is a way to write scripts instead of doing everything thru procedures and libraries?

Author:  dreyer [ Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Asif,
see the manual at for a description of the Singular library format.

Of course, you could use scripts with a sequence of Singular commands, as with any Unix-like command-line application, i.e. if your code is in input.script then
Singular < input.script

will execute your script.
But note, that the second approach makes re-using of your code very difficult.

Best regards,

Author:  Guest [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:08 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks again. yes, point valid about not being reusable in the second, but I only intend to do that when something is too specific to be of use to anyone else. If there is anything general enough, it will be done as a library. It seems that the outdated format issues have to do with the info strings from what I can gather. Other than that the simple test.lib looks like what is required.

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