
"choose" in Singular?
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Author:  trailblazer [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  "choose" in Singular?

Hi there,

I'm completely new to singular so sorry in advance for any stupid questions.

I want to calculate and store all subsets with $k$ elements auf the set ${1,...,n}$ for a fixed k<n. (In Maple you can do that by using "combinat[choose](n,k)").

Two questions arise:
(1) Is there a built-in function to do that?
(2) If I store these sets in a list the storage becomes really big (no surprise of course). Should I store the result in a file instead and read each line in the following code?


Author:  hannes [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "choose" in Singular?

1) no (we do not have combinatorics at the interface level)
2) the read routine for unstructured files reads the whole file,
there is no routine to read only one line.
A solution may be intmat (uses less space) or a
dynamic module providing a special read routine

Author:  gorzel [ Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "choose" in Singular?

The library realrad.lib contains a static proc subset which
computes a list of all subset of the range 1,...,n.

Each subset is again represented by a list of ints.

Since the proc is static, it cannot be accessed directly from an user
on the Top level but it can be invoked from another proc when
calling it with complete name as Packagename::procname.

Thus you can easily built a proc which returns a list of intvecs,
describing all k-element subsets out of 1,...n.

The code looks like:

proc choosesubsetsv1(int n,int k)

  if(k<0 or k>n)

  // the list of all non empty subsets out of 1,...,n
  list l = Realrad::subset(n); 
  list L,li;

  int i,j;

   li = l[i];
   if (size(li)==k)       // select those subsets with k elements
    L[j]= intvec(li[1..k]);   // convert this list to intvec

Note the following:

    Due to an unnecessary restriction made by the author of the
    library, you have to work in a ring of characteristic zero.

    The proc subset is be renamed in Singular 3-1-1 to subsets

LIB "realrad.lib";
ring r0 = 0,x,dp;
> choosesubsetsv1(5,3);

Certainly, it is a huge overload to compute first all
m subsets and then to select those you are interested in.
This limits the effectiveness to approximatelty n=13.

There is another approach, closely related to polynomial

The idea is the following.
Define the linear polynomial f= x_1+... + x_n in n variables
and compute the kth power. Those terms which depends on
exactly k variables represent the subsets of the k-element
subsets -- their exponation vector consists only of 0's and 1's
where the 1's indicate the selected subset.

But this has the same performance as before, in fact this will compute again [b] all [b] subsets.

To improve it, you may do two things:
* if k > n-k, then compute compute only the f^(n-k) and
consider the complementary position of the 0s.
* instead of computing in a single one step f^k, select iteratively
the monomials depending on i variables and multiply again with f.

But it can be done much better. Instead of computing the kth
power of the polynomial x_1+...+x_n, compute the
kth power of the maximal ideal M =(x_1,...,x_n).

This computation uses a builtin command and is much faster
than the methods decribed before.

After computing M^k you have again select the monomials
depending on kvariables. To do this, you just throw away the
monomials which contain some squared or higher variable.
This is, you make Groebner basis computation to
reduce M^k w.r..t (x_1^2,...x_n^2).

The following proc implements these ideas and is much faster,
and not having the above mentioned restrictions.

proc choosesubsets(int n, int k)
"USAGE: choosesubsets(n,k); n, k int 
RETURN: list,  all subsets of 1,...,n with k elements
EXAMPLE: example choosesubsets; shows an example
  list L;
  int i,j,m;
  intvec v,w;

  int flipped = (n-k) < k;
  if (flipped) { k = n-k;}

  ring r= 0,(x(1..n)),dp;
  ideal J;

  for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {J[i] = x(i)^2;}  // J is a std-basis
  ideal K = reduce(maxideal(k),J)+0;   //

  for(j=1;j<=size(K);j++)     // transform the exponents to the indices
     v = leadexp(K[j][1]);
     m = 0;
     L[j] = w;

C. Gorzel

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