What you have in mind, is to see whether this finite decimal expansion correspond to
an algebraic number.
There is Simon Plouffe's
Inverse Symbolic calculator:
http://oldweb.cecm.sfu.ca/projects/ISC/ISCmain.html which deals wtih these questons to recognize a special number from its first terms.
Entering your number, it give the following results:
* Simple Lookup and Browser for any number.
Your value of 5282625879691582 would be here.
5282626607578793 = (0261) 2+3*x-x^2-x^3-x^4+5*x^5
5282627652776098 = (0261) -3-2*x+4*x^2-3*x^3+6*x^4+2*x^5
5282628176388586 = (0263) 5+5*x+16*x^3
5282631423533001 = (0261) 2+4*x-5*x^2-3*x^3+6*x^4-x^5
5282636481755707 = (0261) -4+5*x+4*x^2+x^4+4*x^5
* Integer Relation Algorithms for any number.
K does NOT satisfy a polynomial equation
with small coefficients of degree <=5.
As far as I see, one tool behind (apart from the lookuptables) is the LLL-Algorithm
to find the integral coefficients for some minimal polynomial.
The LLL-algorithm is implemeted in the
lll.lib, but this does not mean that
the same wizard as the ISC i available with Singular.
Since Plouffe used Maple and PARI for the ISC,
PARI-GP will be the right adress for your question.
As the above example shows, it is not so important to have so many digits, the ISC
only takes the first 16. What matters for the search is the (unknown) degree of the minpoly.
Visit also the other links at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Plouffe to learn more about the ISC and the stories behind.
Ch. Gorzel