
radical() question
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Author:  ChrisE [ Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  radical() question

I'm trying to compute the radical of the Kummer variety in genus 3 (trigonal case). Radical() churns away for about 5 days, displaying lots of stuff with the "prot" option switched on, but then seems to stop outputting any indication of progress (it's been running about an extra week since then). However it is still burning up 100% of a processor and 75% of a 8GB memory. Is there any possibility it might complete successfully after all this time, or is it possible it has got into a loop?

ps: last few lines of prot output are

product criterion:36 chain criterion:45
vdim= 24

Author:  seelisch [ Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: radical() question

Please send us your example (SINGULAR input). The example might be just too big. Maybe we can investigate and find another way to get a result.
For the meaning of the output see the manual (entry option, and then prot).

Author:  ChrisE [ Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: radical() question

I've now stopped it after another week:

// ** Interrupt at cmd:`finduni` in line:' ideal F=finduni(I);//F[i] generates I intersected with K[var(i)]'
abort command(a), continue(c) or quit Singular(q) ?q

halt 2
sage: quit

Note I'm running 3.1.1 in from Sage. Input file is

and output (before the stop above) at

many thanks,

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