want to classify all combination of system of polynomials with hilbert series
maple code got out of memory
AllMatrices := proc (A::set, k::posint, n::posint) local B, C, E: B := [[]]: C := proc () B := [seq(seq([A[i], op(B[j])], i = 1 .. nops(A)), j = 1 .. nops(B))]: end proc: E := (C@@(k*n))(B): seq(Matrix(k, n, E[m]), m = 1 .. nops(A)^(k*n)); end proc: mm := AllMatrices({0, 1}, 3, 3);
GetRing := proc(sol) ringequation := 0; mono1 := 0; for j from 1 to 3 do mono1 := 1; for i from 1 to nops(sol[1][j]) do mono1 := mono1*op(i, sol[1][j]); od: ringequation := ringequation + mono1; od: return ringequation; end proc;
with(LinearAlgebra): polylistresult := []; for i from 1 to nops([mm]) do sol := MatrixMatrixMultiply(Matrix([[a,b,c]]), op(i,[mm])); sol := GetRing(sol); polylistresult := [op(polylistresult), sol]; od: gaga := polylistresult; nops(polylistresult); polylistresult := [op(polylistresult), op(gaga)]; nops(polylistresult); polylistresult := [op(polylistresult), op(gaga)]; nops(polylistresult); with(combinat): gg := permute(polylistresult, 3); Error, (in combinat:-permute) Maple was unable to allocate enough memory to complete this computation. Please see ?alloc