I tried to run the following code (similar to the examples in the manual)
LIB "finvar.lib";
ring R=3,(x,y,z),dp;
matrix A[3][3]=1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1;
matrix P,S,IS=invariant_ring(A);
Instead of the last line above, I also tried
matrix B(1..3);
In both cases above, I get the error
// ** list length mismatch in assign (l>r)
? ...parse error
? error occurred in or before STDIN line 5: ` return(P,S);`
both on my computer and the online server. (The line number is different in the two cases, but it is always at the line that calls the
invariant_ring command.) The examples in the manual are in characteristic 0, but my example is in the modular case.
Would someone happen to see to what I am doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.