I tried using singular for the first time, and the following error occured:
> ring r = (0,i),x,dp;
// ** redefining r (ring r = (0,i),x,dp;)
> minpoly = x4+x2+1
. ;
? `minpoly` = `polyBucket` is not supported
? expected `minpoly` = `number`
? error occurred in or before STDIN line 38: `;`
> minpoly = i4+i2+1;
> factorize(x2+x+1);
Singular : signal 11 (v: 4202):
current line:>>factorize(x2+x+1);<<
Segment fault/Bus error occurred at 0 because of 10206 (r:1618822644)
please inform the authors
trying to restart...