Is it possible to parallelize calls to functions in libSingular using openmp (or pthreads)? My naive approach, starting from the example given in
https://github.com/Singular/Singular/bl ... ibsingular, had some problems:
#include <iostream>
#include <Singular/libsingular.h>
#include <omp.h>
int main() {
//initialize singular
siInit((char *)"/usr/lib/libSingular.so");
#pragma omp parallel
// construct the ring Z/32003[x,y,z]
// the variable names
char **n=(char**)omalloc(3*sizeof(char*));
ring R=rDefault(32003,3,n);
// make R the default ring: not needed if p_<...> functions are used
// create the polynomial 1
poly p1=p_ISet(1,R);
// create the polynomial 2*x^3*z^2
poly p2=p_ISet(2,R);
// print p1 + p2
#pragma omp critical
p_Write(p1,R); printf(" + \n"); p_Write(p2,R); printf("\n");
return 0;
The compilation runs fine, and it produces the correct output intersected with the following error message (appearing several times):
// ***dError: Bug reported: p_Procs is NULL
occurred at ./templates/p_Procs_Set.h,170
// ** Singular will work properly, but much slower
// ** If you chose a coef ring, it may not work at all
Related to this is the question why it is necessary to initialize singular if one only uses "standalone" functions (e.g. all p_<...> functions) that don't seem to rely on any global object (like the current ring) or interpreter? I tried to dig into the source code and documentation but couldn't really understand what's happening.