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Previous: 6. Reduction in Polycyclic
In this paper we have shown how Gröbner basis methods can be
successfully introduced to nilpotent respectively polycyclic
group rings.
We have illustrated how depending on the respective group presentations
commutative divisors can be used to define Noetherian reductions.
Left ideals can be handled by so called lpc-reduction using
convergent PCNI- as well as PCP-systems for presenting the group.
For right ideals we have to be more careful.
While the collecting process induced by convergent PCNI-presentations
allows to define a Noetherian reduction using right multiples,
this cannot be generalized for convergent PCP-systems.
Hence we have introduced reversed PCP-systems with status right
and in this setting again reduction can be specified.
The results can be summarized as follws:
Group presentation |
left GBs |
right GBs |
two-sided GBs |
PCNI-system |
PCP-system |
none16 |
reversed PCP-system |
none |
In [Re95] we have shown how the theory of Gröbner bases in
monoid and group rings over fields can be lifted to monoid and group
rings over reduction rings fulfilling special axioms, e.g., allowing
to compute finite Gröbner bases for ideals in the coefficient
Hence the results of this paper also hold for nilpotent respectively polycyclic group rings
over reduction rings, e.g., the integers
Finally we want to sketch how the results of this report can be lifted
to group rings over nilpotent-by-finite respectively polycyclic-by-finite
Essential in this approach is the use of semi-Thue systems related to
extensions of groups as introduced for context-free groups by Cremanns and
Otto in [CrOt94].
Details of the lifting process for respective group rings can be found in
[Re95] and [MaRe96].
The key idea is to combine a convergent presentation
of a finite group
with a convergent PCNI-presentation
respecitively PCP-presentation of a nilpotent respectively polycyclic
presented by
and let T consist of the set of rules
the following additional rules:
rwr for all
awx for all
for all
Then in case
is convergent it
is called the extension presentation of
as an extension of
(see e.g. [Cr95]).
Every element in
has a representative of the form eu where
We can specify a total well-founded ordering
on our group
by combining a
total well-founded ordering
the syllable ordering
we define
if and
only if
(e1 = e2 and
Furthermore, we can lift the tuple ordering to
as follows:
For two elements eu, ev, we define
we define
According to this ordering we call ev a (commutative)
prefix of eu if
introducing the concept of
-closure as in [Re95] or
[MaRe96] we can proceed to prove lemmata and theorems similar to
those in section 5 and 6.
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