Next: 2 Basic type specifications
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The main construct to specify the type and structure of homogenous
data is a MP_Prototype annotation. It may be attached to an
operator and its value (which is again a MP Tree, often referred to as
prototype tree) specifies the syntax, and, possibly some semantics, of
all arguments of the operator. Subsequently, the entire
collection of argument data items can be placed in a data
packet. A receiver side would retrieve the prototype and use it to
properly decode the (headerless) data.
For describing prototype trees, we more formally define the syntax of
a prototype annotation by
<Prototype AP> ::= AP(MP_Prototype)<MP TypeSpec>
<MP TypeSpec> ::= <Basic TypeSpec>|
<Operator TypeSpec>
where AP(x) is an Annotation Packet of type x,. Furthermore, we
make a distinction between prototype specification time, the
time at which we create (send) the prototype, and data
communication time, the time at which we actually send the data
described by the prototype.
Next: 2 Basic type specifications
Up: 4 MP high level
Previous: 4 MP high level
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