Next: 3. Row-minimal matrices
Up: Splitting algorithm for vector
Previous: 1. Introduction and notation
2. Block type Bruhat decomposition
For the convenience of the reader, we include some elementary,
well-known facts from linear algebra which we shall need.
Fix an integer
and let
After a permutation of rows (or columns), any regular matrix will
belong to
Consider the following subgroups of Glr contained in
where I always denotes the unit matrix of the corresponding size.
The following lema will be verified by direct computation:
denotes the normalizer in Glr(R).
Just check the following identities:
From the identity
assuming that the first matrix is in
we obtain
T'=-S-1 T W' and
V'=-W-1VS'; hence,
SS'-TW-1 VS'=I. Thus, S' is
invertible and
is its inverse.
is the inverse of W' .
Using the notation of (i2) we obtain
Fix a k-subset J of row indices
Let QJ be the submatrix
of Q formed by those rows of Q whose index belongs to J.
is invariant under equivalence
of matrices. After a certain permutation of rows of Q, it is enough to consider
for simplicity only the special cases
Next: 3. Row-minimal matrices
Up: Splitting algorithm for vector
Previous: 1. Introduction and notation
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