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Computing the places of $ C$

A place $ Q$ of $ C$ is represented by a triple, consisting of

Recall that $ [P]\in C$ denotes the formal sum of a point $ P\in C$ with its conjugates. Affine closed points will be represented by a defining (triangular) ideal $ I=\langle \phi,\psi\rangle\subset \mathbf{F}[x,y]$, while closed points at infinity are usually stored in form of a homogeneous polynomial $ \Phi\in \mathbf{F}[X,Y]$ (the defining prime factor of $ F(X,Y,0)$).

Note that the conjugates of a place $ Q$ are given by the triples $ ([P],k_Q,$ HN$ ')$, where HN$ '$ runs through the conjugates of HN. Hence, when computing the closed places of $ C$, we can restrict ourselves to computing one representing place for each. We apply the following algorithm:

Squarefree homogeneous polynomial $ F\in \mathbf{F}[X,Y,Z]_d$,
degree bound $ k\in \mathbf{N}$.

List $ L$ of all closed singular places and all closed non-singular places up to degree $ k$ of the plane curve $ C$ defined by $ F$.

  1. Affine singular points. Let $ f(x,y):=F(x,y,1)$ and $ I:=\langle f,f_x,f_y \rangle$ the Tjurina ideal of $ f$. Compute a triangular system for $ I$, that is, a system of triangular bases $ T_i$ such that $ V(I) = V(T_1) \cup \ldots \cup

    Here, by a triangular basis one denotes a reduced lexicographical Gröbner basis of the form $ T= \left\{ \phi, \psi\right\}$ with $ \phi\in \mathbf{F}[y]$ a monic polynomial in $ y$ and $ \psi=y^b+\sum_{i<b} \psi_i(x)y^i\in \mathbf{F}[x,y]$. Triangular systems can be computed effectively, basically by two different methods, one due to Lazard [27,7], the other due to Möller [31]. Choose any of these methods to compute a triangular system for $ I$, $ T_i=\bigl\{\phi_i,\psi_i\bigr\}$, $ i=1,\dots,s$. For each $ i$,

    Finally, the closed affine singular points are given by the set of ideals

    \begin{displaymath}\hspace*{0.2cm} SING_{aff}:= \left\{ \langle \phi_{i,j},
...,, \: k=1,\dots,s_i\,,\\

    where $ \overline{\psi}_{i,j}$ is the image of $ \psi_{i,j}$ when substituting the parameter $ a_{i,j}$ by $ y$.

  2. Points at infinity. Let $ f_{\infty}(x):=F(x,1,0)$ and compute a prime factorization of the polynomial $ f_{\infty}\in \mathbf{F}[x]$,

    $\displaystyle \hspace*{1.2cm} f_\infty=f_{\infty,1}\cdot \ldots \cdot f_{\infty,d'}\in \mathbf{F}[x]\,, \qquad d'\!\leq d\,.$ (4)

    Let $ a_j\in \overline{\mathbf{F}}$ be a root of $ f_{\infty,j}$ and define

    $\displaystyle PTS_{\infty}:= \left\{\, \big[(a_j\!:\!\!\:1\!\!\::\!\!\:0)\big]
\;\big\vert\; j=1,\dots, d' \,\right\},$

    where $ \big[(a_j\!:\!\!\:1\!\!\::\!\!\:0)\big]$ denotes the formal sum of the point $ (a_j\!:\!\!\:1\!\!\::\!\!\:0)$ (defined over $ \overline{\mathbf{F}}$) with its conjugates. (It is represented by $ f_{\infty,j}$.)

    We denote by $ SING_{\infty}\!\subset PTS_{\infty}$ the subset of closed singular points. To check whether a point $ \big[(a_j\!:\!\!\:1\!\!\::\!\!\:0)\big]$ is singular or not, one has to check whether $ F_X(a_j,1,0)=F_Z(a_j,1,0)=0$ (these computations can be performed over the finite field extension $ F(a_j)=F[x]/\langle f_{\infty,j}\rangle$).

    Finally, consider the (closed) point $ P=(1\!\!\::\!\!\:0\!\!\::\!\!\:0)$: if $ F(1,0,0)=0$ then $ P$ has to be added to $ PTS_{\infty}$; if, additionally, $ F_Y(1,0,0)$ and $ F_Z(1,0,0)$ vanish then it has to be added to $ SING_{\infty}$, too.

    The sets $ PTS_{\infty}$ (resp. $ SING_{\infty}$) are the sets of closed (singular) points at infinity.

  3. Affine singular places. To each closed affine singular point $ \left[P\right]$ given by a (triangular) ideal $ \langle \phi,\psi\rangle\in
SING_{aff}$ we compute the corresponding places in form of a system of symbolic Hamburger-Noether expressions for the respective germ $ (C,P)$ (defined over $ \overline{\mathbf{F}}$). More precisely, a closed place over $ \left[P\right]$ is the formal sum of a place $ Q$ described by one of the computed sHNE with its conjugates.

    The computation of the symbolic Hamburger-Noether expressions has to be performed in the local ring $ \mathbf{F}(a)[x,y]_P$ where $ \mathbf{F}\subset \mathbf{F}(a)$ is a primitive field extension (of degree $ k_P\!=\deg_y(\phi)\deg_x(\psi)$) such that $ \phi,\psi$ decompose into linear factors. Note that during the computation of a sHNE further field extensions might be necessary.

  4. Singular places at infinity. To each closed singular point $ \left[P\right]$ in $ SING_{\infty}$ we compute a system of sHNE for the local germ $ (C,P)$ (defined over $ \overline{\mathbf{F}}$). To be precise, if $ P=(a_j\!:\!\!\:1\!\!\::\!\!\:0)$ then we compute a system of sHNE for $ F(x\!\!\:+\!\!\:a_j,1,z)$ in $ \mathbf{F}(a_j)[x,z]_{\langle x,z\rangle}$; if $ P=(1\!\!\::\!\!\:0\!\!\::\!\!\:0)$ then the system of sHNE is computed for $ F(1,y,z)$ in $ \mathbf{F}[y,z]_{\langle y,z\rangle}$.

  5. Non-singular affine closed points up to degree $ k$. For each $ 1\leq \ell \leq k$ do the following:

Remark 2.10   It is interesting to notice that triangular sets have mainly been used for numerical purpose, since they allow a fast and stable numerical solving of polynomial systems (cf. [27,31,13]), and this has been the reason for implementing it in SINGULAR. Several experiments have shown that they behave also superior against other methods to represent closed points over finite fields.

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Christoph Lossen