D.5.3.3 finalCharts
Procedure from library resgraph.lib (see resgraph_lib).
- Usage:
- finalCharts(L1,L2,iv[,name]);
L1 = list
L2 = list
iv = intvec
name = string
- Assume:
- - L1 is the output of 'resolve' from resolve.lib
- L2 is the output of 'intersectionDiv(L1)' from reszeta.lib
- iv is the first entry of the output of 'abstractR(L1)'
- write permission in the current directory or in the
directory in which the file with name 'name' resides
- Create:
- - new windows in which surf-images of the final charts are presented
- several '.ras' files in the directory in which 'name' resides
- Note:
- only available on UNIX-type systems
external programs 'surf' and 'display' (imagemagick package) need to be
in the standard search PATH
- Return:
- nothing, only generating graphics output in separate window