D.6.15.1 spectrumnd
Procedure from library spectrum.lib (see spectrum_lib).
- Usage:
- spectrumnd(f[,1]); poly f
- Assume:
- basering has characteristic 0 and local ordering,
f has isolated singularity at 0 and nondegenerate principal part
- Return:
| list S:
ideal S[1]: spectral numbers in increasing order
intvec S[2]:
int S[2][i]: multiplicity of spectral number S[1][i]
- Note:
- if a second argument 1 is given,
no test for a degenerate principal part will be done
SEE_ALSO: gmssing_lib
| LIB "spectrum.lib";
ring R=0,(x,y),ds;
poly f=x^31+x^6*y^7+x^2*y^12+x^13*y^2+y^29;
list s=spectrumnd(f);
==> 174
==> -27/58
==> 2