| ivSickle
Procedure from library fpadim.lib (see fpadim_lib).
- Usage:
- ivSickle(L,n,[degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an int, degbound an
optional integer
- Return:
- list, containing intvecs, the mistletoes of A/<L>
- Purpose:
- Computing the mistletoes for a given Groebner basis L, given by intmats
- Assume:
- - basering is a Letterplace ring.
- all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial
as explained in the overview
- if you specify a different degree bound degbound,
degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) should hold.
- Note:
- - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there
is no degree bound.
- n is the number of variables.
- If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed
| LIB "fpadim.lib";
ring r = 0,(x,y),dp;
def R = makeLetterplaceRing(5); // constructs a Letterplace ring
setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring
//some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows
intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1;
intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1;
==> 1 1
==> 2 2
==> 1 2 1
==> 1 1
==> 2 1 2
==> 1 2 1
list G = I1,I2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis
list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis
ivSickle(G,2); // invokes the procedure without any degree bound
==> [1]:
==> 1,2
==> [2]:
==> 2,1,2
ivSickle(I,2,5); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 5
==> [1]:
==> 1,2,2,1
==> [2]:
==> 1,2,2,2,1
==> [3]:
==> 1,2,2,2,2
==> [4]:
==> 2,1
==> [5]:
==> 2,2,1
==> [6]:
==> 2,2,2,1
==> [7]:
==> 2,2,2,2,1
==> [8]:
==> 2,2,2,2,2