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About: About this document GKZsystem
Procedure from library ncalg.lib (see ncalg_lib).

GKZsystem(A, sord, alg, [,v]); A intmat, sord, alg string, v intvec


define a ring (Weyl algebra) and create a Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky (GKZ) system of equations in a ring from the following data:
A is an intmat, defining the system,
sord is a string with desired term ordering,
alg is a string, saying which algorithm to use (exactly like in toric_lib),
v is an optional intvec.
In addition, the ideal called GKZid containing actual equations is calculated and exported to the ring.

activate the output ring with the setring command. This procedure is elaborated by Oleksandr Iena

This procedure uses toric_lib and therefore inherits its input requirements:
possible values for input variable alg are: "ect","pt","blr", "hs", "du".
As for the term ordering, it should be a string sord in @sc{Singular} format like "lp","dp", etc.
Please consult the toric_lib for allowed orderings and more details.

LIB "ncalg.lib";
// example 3.1.4 from the [SST] without the vector w
intmat A[2][4]=3,2,1,0,0,1,2,3;
==>      3     2     1     0
==>      0     1     2     3
def D1 = GKZsystem(A,"lp","ect");
setring D1;
==> //   characteristic : 0
==> //   2 parameter    : b(1) b(2) 
==> //   minpoly        : 0
==> //   number of vars : 8
==> //        block   1 : ordering a
==> //                  : names    x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4)
==> //                  : weights     0    0    0    0
==> //        block   2 : ordering lp
==> //                  : names    x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) d(1) d(2) d(3) d(4)
==> //        block   3 : ordering C
==> //   noncommutative relations:
==> //    d(1)x(1)=x(1)*d(1)+1
==> //    d(2)x(2)=x(2)*d(2)+1
==> //    d(3)x(3)=x(3)*d(3)+1
==> //    d(4)x(4)=x(4)*d(4)+1
==> 3*x(1)*d(1)+2*x(2)*d(2)+x(3)*d(3)+(-b(1)),
==> x(2)*d(2)+2*x(3)*d(3)+3*x(4)*d(4)+(-b(2)),
==> d(2)*d(4)-d(3)^2,
==> d(1)*d(4)-d(2)*d(3),
==> d(1)*d(3)-d(2)^2
// now, consider A with the vector w=1,1,1,1
intvec v=1,1,1,1;
def D2 = GKZsystem(A,"lp","blr",v);
setring D2;
==> 3*x(1)*d(1)+2*x(2)*d(2)+x(3)*d(3)+(-b(1)),
==> x(2)*d(2)+2*x(3)*d(3)+3*x(4)*d(4)+(-b(2)),
==> d(2)*d(4)-d(3)^2,
==> d(1)*d(4)-d(2)*d(3),
==> d(1)*d(3)-d(2)^2
See also: toric_lib.