D.6.3.5 init_debug
Procedure from library classify.lib (see classify_lib).
- Usage:
- init_debug([level]); level=int
- Compute:
- Set the global variable @DeBug to level. The variable @DeBug is
used by the function debug_log(level, list of strings) to know
when to print the list of strings. init_debug() reports only
changes of @DeBug.
- Note:
- The procedure init_debug(n); is useful as trace-mode. n may
range from 0 to 10, higher values of n give more information.
| LIB "classify.lib";
debug_log(1,"no trace information printed");
==> Debugging level change from 0 to 1
debug_log(1,"some trace information");
==> some trace information
==> Debugging level change from 1 to 2
debug_log(2,"nice for debugging scripts");
==> Debug:(2): nice for debugging scripts
==> Debugging switched off.